Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Hair: Curled
Two meetings today: Cataloging and a preview of all the wonderful things our new merged system can do for us. The last bit to be read in a singsong....
So I won't be blogging today.
Our cube farm is supposed to arrive and be set up on Friday. I won't be blogging or cataloging that day. I also will need a day to pack up all my desk stuff, including LCSH, DDC22 and accompanying materials. So that leaves one day this week when I'll actually get work done.
Must get Sparky out the door to catch the bus, at which point I have to leave as well. Long drive to the meeting, and I have a stop or two to make first.
Saturday, August 28, 2004
Search strategies
I've finally figured out how to do this...
- A*l*a N*y*lons. Huh?? [edited by siteowner 12/04]
- see comments Whoa! Where have I ever talked about anything like this???? WOW--I need to reread what I've been writing.
- "sweet dreams are made of these " well, that makes sense
- sweet dreams are made from [and other variations] All I can say is, get your musical quotes right, people.
- see comments And again, I say, where have I ever talked about this kind of thing?
For not-regular readers: you will NOT find anything about numbers 2 or 5 on my blog. Ever. Under any circumstances. For any reason. Go somewhere else and search! But thanks for visiting...
Thursday, August 26, 2004
Hair: Blown out and that's it (a mess in other words)
One of the best souvenirs I bought in London was at the Globe Theatre. It's a T-shirt. I so wanted to wear it today, but I was afraid I'd be scheduled on a service desk for sure if I did. Guess what: I'm not in a public area today...sigh. Maybe Saturday??
Anyway, the shirt says:
you elf-skin,
you dried neat’s-tongue,
you bull’s pizzle,
you stock-fish!
O! for breath to utter what is like thee;
you tailor’s yard,
you sheath,
you bow-case,
you vile standing-tuck;—
[ Anyone, besides Annie want to take a guess on provenance? Only because Annie will probably know right off the bat, and the rest of us may not. ] No fair Googling!
"Vile Standing-Tuck." I'm going to be using this. Or maybe just the "standing-tuck" part, because who in the world will know that I'm insulting him (or her?) if I just can manage to say it in a pleasant tone of voice....?
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Reading update/Things To Do/Apology
Along with the continued data entry of the journal. Wonder when I'll start on the vacation scrapbook...probably not till November at this rate...
Which brings me to Things I'd Like to Do at Home:
Those are the highlights; there are other things: painting some of the rooms in the house, making/buying curtains for the downstairs, getting grocery shopping/meal planning sorted out (an ongoing war)... Now that I've made a list, I realize that I really need to quit my job and do nothing but these things for the next year. At least.1. Catch up scrapbooks. If I did this fulltime, it would take about two months, if I kept my nose to the grindstone. I have so many old photos...not just this last vacation. I've slowly worked back to about 1992, and I've worked on everything up through college and wedding. So that's six years. Plus Sparky's school book. Plus his art portfolio (koff koff) book. Plus everything from the past year. Plus vacation. OK, so maybe four months.
2. Finish vac journal/blog. Uninterrupted time: about a week at most.
3. Organize home office. One or two full days.4. Organize pantry. One or two days. But first I need to ...
5. ...hang pictures on walls (get giant box out of pantry). One day, but I need assistance in deciding where to put everything.
6. Learn to quilt and/or get started on a knitting project. There's a deadline. Actually two deadlines, since another niece has just informed me this week of her likely wedding next spring. I'd like to give her and this other deadline person something I made (I'm being coy, but if you really want to know what I'm talking about, email me). So like a six-month project at this point, but two of them at once...
7. Christmas shopping. I actually loathe shopping. So I usually try to have Xmas stuff done by mid-October. I'm way behind. Perhaps we'll be doing the ol' gift card/donation-to-charity thing this year... This takes so much time for me: maybe a solid week of 10-hour days. Which is why I hate it.
That's not happening. See previous entry on Visa bill. The latest minor disaster is that our big, newest TV blew up last night. We lost power. When it came back on it we got a surge. We need to find out if it's a major injury or terminal, but it looks more like death at this point. So I will continue to work and therefore bring home a paycheck. To pay for stupid things like glasses, non-covered "experimental" eye procedures that I've had done for years (grr, insurance companies), Sparky's shoes and clothes, and surge protectors for every-damn-thing in the house.
Anyway. I'm supposed to be picking Sparky up from daycare right now. With my apology sign and shamefaced look.
Hair: Falling out of its braid
I blew it. I will not be receiving the Parent of the Year Award this year (as if I was ever in the running anyway). Tore into Sparky about losing a library book -- got the 2nd overdue notice yesterday at work saying his book was due August 1. It's not in his room. He says he gave it to me to bring back but his credibility is in the toilet over a myriad of lies he's told recently.
Guess what: it's on the shelf at the library, not checked in. Sigh.
Now I have to apologize. This parenting thing sucks! It's all about setting a good example: what to do when you majorly fuck up, etc. etc.
So I Googled "apology." And this is what I found. Too bad it isn't designed to be used for kids (and I do like the woman's version, sexist pig that I am!).
I'm off to learn how to use our new defibrillator. Woo-hoo....not.
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Jewels in the dust
Here's a note, in the boss's handwriting:
The idea of the rather Orwellian-sounding World Security--whoever they are--calling our police force is laughable.
Anyway. I'm keeping the note with the Gone Fishin' sign and the Leave Me Alone hat.
Cleaning day
Hair: Ponytail (to go with jeans and t-shirt)
It is indeed cleaning day for the workroom here at the library. We are getting our Cube Farm installed later this week, so that means massive amounts of garbage must be deposited in the trash (stuff that's been sitting here since we moved in over three years ago in some cases). I've done the counters and the general areas, but now I have to sit down and file (or toss) at my own desk.
So not much cataloging happening today. Lots of dust: my eyes hurt already! Maybe I'll find some treasures in my debris... hah.
Friday, August 20, 2004
Friday morning
Hair: Wet
It's 5:40.
I woke up at 5:00 in spite of setting my alarm for 5:50. This is good. I'm supposed to be at exercise at 6:00 -- meant to set it for 4:50, but my brain couldn't do the math last night.
I'm going to try not to blog at work today; I have far too much to do, plus I have to spend about three hours on service desks. I have to get my cart cleaned up. I just have to.
Wish me luck. See you Monday.
An aside: one of the best things in life is being so tired that a good book can't keep me awake. I struggled with keeping my eyes open over one page of "Inkheart" last night for probably 10 minutes. I've only got about 6 pages left, but I finally just had to face the fact that my brain and body were not going to cooperate.
Thursday, August 19, 2004
Re "Crab is an appropriate food for today"
Hair: The braid is coming loose (too much conditioner?)
1. Copied below is email from Ponytail Ass:
"Subject: What's in a Name?
Quite a lot, really. More than a year ago we renamed this committee to the OnLine Cataloging Committee. The directors approved the change. And yet everything still keeps referring to "Data Entry."
The reasons for the name change were valid. The steps taken to achieve the change were correct. Why are we persistently downgrading the task of cataloging to the level of a file clerk's job?
This mailing list is misnamed, even though it recently had a name change. It apparently was changed to "[Database Name] Data Entry" when it should have become "[Database Name] Cataloging". Our meetings in [the Online Meeting/Event Registration system] still have the name "Data Entry" on them. Our minutes and the minutes of every other committee keep misnaming us.
OK, what do we have to do to get anyone to pay attention?
Cataloging is NOT a mere matter of copying stuff from one place to another."
2. This is the guy who is supposed to be chairing the committee now, instead of me. Aside from the weird grammar, can you see why I'm in the midst of a power trip and hanging on to the chair with every bit of strength I can muster??
3. Tech With Issues informed me after lunch that people from Colorado are weird because I told her lots of people there named Berniece spell their names that way. [Since she's never seen it that way, by definition it's weird.] And, though I think she was sort of joking, she said it with a straight face.
4. It's Reserves Time again, which is tedious. Which is why I'm doing this instead of 'real work.'
5. Sparky gets his glasses before me. That's just petty, isn't it?
6. Someone "donated" 6 large cartons of musty books. They brought in one carton and we turned them down, so they left the building, unloaded the other 5 on the curb and drove away without telling us. Another patron, several hours later, told us about them. We had to drag them in: two carts-full!
7. Tomorrow is going to be long and strange: ceremonial end of an exercise class that I used to belong to. It's complicated. After the 'ceremony' we're going for coffee (or, in my case, fruit juice or chai). Then I work all day. Yes, Tech With Issues works too. But so does Sleek, heh. Then we're going camping for the weekend. Yes, two whole days without electronics. Aaargh.
That's torn it
I'm going to eat my leftover Crab Rangoons and Caesar salad while I read Do Me, Do My Roots far away from anyone. I'm so cranky. SOOO cranky.
The Ponytailed Wonder has struck again. What a jerk.
{...steaming...actually more like eyerolling at the stupidity}
And I quote:
"We have an open problem with new records that were derived from existing records. A symptom of the problem is that the saved record has an OCLC number of ocm000000000. A fix will be installed Sunday morning that should help. [My] choices are to wait until Monday, and try deriving the record again (don't transfer the fixed field) OR start over from scratch."
Which is so much gobbledegook for anyone outside the pale of cataloging jargon. The thought of "start[ing] over from scratch" doesn't thrill me. I think I'll wait till next week anyway. And get on with my wonderful life, an episode from which follows.
The tech who types labels just stood up and flashed everyone in the room the back of Pamela Lee's book jacket along with what she considers a pithy comment. The inside of the jacket shows Ms. Lee on another one of those days where she forgot most of her clothes. Can I sue this tech for sex discrimination!!!!
Ugh, I hate this woman (not Ms. Lee, by the way--she's just pathetic). Tech is now showing everyone else individually the photo. If she'd just cover it up and tape it to the damn book, no one would know. So she's obviously getting sick enjoyment out of showing semi-p[o]rn to staff members...and enjoying more of her pithy (NOT) commentary.
Headphones going back on.
If you can't beat 'em
The OCLC guy--who is also nice on the phone--spent about 20 minutes with me trying to figure out why the record I can't produce OR export is messed up. The end result is...
...he'll get back to me.
I've stumped OCLC!!
Woo hoo.
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
OCLC and the Learning Curve
Hair: Blown out
So, today is original catalog(u)ing day. I finished about eight items today, out of about twelve. I stopped after re-entering, from scratch, the same record the fifth time. I had already had to re-enter another record three times. Plus, there is another record in there that won't update OR download into our local database.
I can feel every muscle in my shoulders because I've been doing this for four hours.
It's so definitely time to go home. Oh, wait, no, I'm going to pick out new glasses. Finally. Which will help with the ongoing headaches. Which I don't generally get into here...
So today's lessons were, to my not-very-clear understanding:
- Patience and fortitude with OCLC and Explorer (it was really Explorer that was shutting me down all those times)
- How not to swear, grind my teeth, or lash out at co-workers because of my stupid computer
- Why I should sit with my back against the back of the chair
- Chumbawumba and Frankie Goes to Hollywood (and Prince??), among others, turned up loud, really do drown out annoying coworkers who insist on talking when I'm trying to parse OCLC code
Now I'm going to drive in rush-hour traffic to the Big City to buy frames. And I get dinner outta this trip too. I think.
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Sunday, August 15, 2004
Hair: It's brushed, but that's about it.
Just ran across an interesting concept, kind of fun. I "fought" the words Cataloger and Cataloguer (Hi, Annie!). See which one won.
Saturday, August 14, 2004
Link: The Last Five Pages
Title: Obfuscation
How well can you get to know someone from reading their daily musings? Would readers, when asked to choose what’s real and what’s fake, be able to figure out the truth based on what they’ve gotten to know about you from your blog?
The Game: On Friday, August 13 you’ll post 3 stories:
Two false and one true orReaders have to pick the false story(ies), leaving their guess in the comments. (Make sure you let them know which version of the game you’re playing.)
Two true and one false
On Monday, August 16 you’ll post the correct response.
[Except I'm giving everyone till 8/17 because I'm late posting this!]
So here are mine (by the way I'm splitting the difference: about one-and-a-half of the below stories is true, which gives people a better chance, eh?):
1. When I was twenty, one of the job possibilities I considered was long-haul truck driving. I love driving and thought there could be nothing cooler than doing it for a living. My downfall, and one of the main reasons I never pursued it, was the fact that I can't drive in reverse in a car, much less in a tractor-trailer. Still wish I could do this sometimes, though...
2. My brother and I came face to face with a young bear while hiking in the mountains. He was about thirteen, I was three-ish. He was supposed to be doing some surveying of a parcel of property for my dad. I was just along for the hike. So really, he had two jobs: carry the big stick so Dad could get his measurement, and watch his twerpy little sister to be sure she doesn't fall off the edge. We clambered up a rock slide and reached the top and just in front of us was a brown bear. He was bigger than me but smaller than my brother, so clearly not full-grown. We all stared across the species barrier for a minute and then Del picked me up and RAN full-tilt down the mountain. I could hear the bear crashing away the other direction behind us. When we reached the bottom, Dad yelled at us for leaving the stick up there.
3. I didn’t learn to read until I was seven. My sister Jean worked and worked with me, but I just didn't get it. She and I are both librarians now, which is a credit to her stick-to-itiveness (and, I guess, mine). Kindergarten and part of First Grade were rough.
Thursday, August 12, 2004
Music hath charms etc. etc. (William Congreve)
All in one morning.
I don't feel quite so cranky. But I'm still no fun to be around (if you're in my head).
Thx, A!!
Winter has arrived. Or Autumn at least
Hair: Clean and blown-out, curled even
Yeah. It's August 12. And the high today is supposed to be, like, 63.
Last night's low was about 40. I had two blankets on my bed. And pj bottoms on (I usually sleep in a T-shirt). Had to get up about 1 a.m. and put on a long-sleeved shirt. Woke an hour later with freezing feet because the bed was cold. Put my socks back on--the ones I started the night with--and attempted to sleep without moving out of the warm spot till 6:30.
Poor Sparky: in a tent in a sleeping bag. Brrr.
I'm getting trained today on how to do Librarian Live (email reference). Won't retain a thing. I spent 4 hours last night trying to input my vacation journal. On one entry. Blogger kept eating my code. It's fixed now. But it was fixed night before last, too, until I looked at it last night. All in all, not a very satisfactory night to myself.
Time to affix the Julia Roberts smile and get through the day: eyes vacant, teeth gritted, lips stretched over teeth. Headphones on, too. Can't deal with C.T. at all today!
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Cool. And maybe not-so...?
And this is a very interesting site. I will add my thoughts later on about this. Believe me, as a pseudonymous blogger, I have a couple of thoughts!
Cataloging : Roger G. Newton's Galileo's Pendulum
Lonely Days (with apologies to B., R. and M.)
Hair: Down & curled
[OK, I'll tell you: at a friend's visiting with a former pastor and her husband. At home, playing music really loud while inputting and annotating my vac journal.]Good morning Mister Sunshine, you'd brighten up my day if only you were actually shining!
Come sit beside me in your way. Come to think of it, sit beside me in any way at all.
I see you every morning--except today, when Sparky will be canoeing for 36 hours.
The music plays so nonchalant.
Lonely days, lonely nights. Where will I be without my men?
Lonely days, lonely nights. Where will I be without my men?
Good morning Mister Sunshine, you'll brighten up my day sometime next week, or over the weekend, while I'm at work. Both days.
Come sit beside me. PLEASE!?
Lonely days, lonely nights. Where will I be without my men?
Lonely days, lonely nights. Where will I be without my men?
Check out the time stamp. I'm at work. And Sparky is on a bus headed toward S@uk C!ty and cold water and weather. Glad I don't have to sleep outside tonight....brrrr.... The Beast is on an out-of-state business trip. I'm alone. Trying to get done early with work so I can appreciate the aloneness. ;-)
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Well, but of course...

(...I love this book!)
'Tis a great mystery, but somehow you have come to belong in Jane Eyre; a random world of love, kindness, madness, bad luck and lunatic ex-wives. There really isn't much to say about the place you belong in. It's your place, and though it seems far from reality largly due to how random the events are, you seem to enjoy it. You belong in a world where not too many people understand you, and where you can be somewhat of a recluse.
Which Classic Novel do You Belong In?
brought to you by Quizilla
Must be lunchtime
Hair: Down, blown out (twice in a week!)
Listening to: 1988 Billboard Top Hits (because it was reported that it "wouldn't play well")
I think it's the music, which generally sucks. But I am enjoying "Wild Wild West" (The Escape Club). Just wondering if I'm enjoying it on its own merits, or because of the crap that surrounds it: "Seasons Change" (Expose), "Baby, I Love Your Way/Freebird..." (Will to Power), "Get Outta My Dreams..." (Billy Ocean), etc. I especially loathe that last song...
Otherwise the disc seems fine to me. Of course, the person who reported the problem is the Village Idiot of the library board, so someone has to tell him his CD player is dead. Not me!!
Back to the Demand order. On the horizon: telecourse tapes (aaarghhhh<--the sound of me falling on my dagger). And a really big regular order.
Sunday, August 08, 2004
Sunday upload day
Hair: Braid
I'm here uploading pics to Snapfish. I just like that name better than Ofoto; otherwise they are about the same as far as I can tell... Instead of the 6+ hours at home (for all of them), it's taking me about 10 minutes per "album."
Let me know if you're interested, and I'll connect you. :-) The list starts with Jen!c@...
And, big news: my best college friend is pregnant! This is very good, fabulous, wonderful news. (I know you're reading this, girlfriend--and I'd say the same thing if you weren't!) Can't wait to see this baby and spoil it to death! Wheee.
Friday, August 06, 2004
It's gonna be weird
Hair: Blown out
Found in my gmailbox this morning:
"Hi,I thought you'd like to know that you're a googlewhack!
I'm not being rude. A googlewhack is a term coined to describe two words which, when entered into the search engine "Google," will return ONLY ONE result. I entered STUPENDOUS BORBORYGMI and google found only your web page "Sweet dreams are made of this" - just think - Google searches 3 billion pages and only yours has both these words on it! :)
I just thought you'd like to know.
Cheers," etc.
Not sure if I should be freaked out or just amused. Right now I'm going with the latter.
Good way to start a Friday either way...
Thursday, August 05, 2004
A Wednesday kind of day
Hair: ugh--cut it off, cut it ALL off
I'm all out of sorts. The computer problems have tapered off, blamed today (and fixed, we think, by someone competent: i.e., NOT the Gs) on a failing cable. Whatever.
I added about 6 brand new backpack kits. This means Start (original cataloging) to Finish (everything-but-tape and ownership stickers). It takes forever.
Also did the demand order from last week.
And that seems to be all. In just eight hours. I can't seem to get my feet back under me.
So why do I have a headache/neckache? Possibly the same reason I 'flashed nearly to the point of vomiting and passing out an hour ago...?
I need to order new prescription lenses, but I can't justify spending another $180+ on frames after blowing too much on souvenirs on vacation. Still, that may be part of the headache issue (ya THINK!?!).
Co-worker A informed me that there is trouble in paradise, after only 8 months of marriage. Too bad. I like this person. Marriage is awfully hard work, especially if both people aren't playing on the same field.
We have a mouse in our house. Sparky says it's because we have guinea pigs; the mouse is drawn to us because of the rodents already living with us. If it weren't so...unpleasant (in the sense of having uninvited guests), I would have laughed. But that would have hurt his 'sensitive' (he says) feelings.
At the risk of sounding like every other female in America, I need to lose weight. My bones hurt. I am going to have to join a club and sweat. I hate sweating. You have no idea how much. But it seems to be the only answer. I can't carry this extra weight around forever...
So. Home.Tangent: I have a picture that was taken almost twenty years ago of all my sisters and me. I used to look at it and think, "I'll never look like that" when realistically of course I would look like that because I look just like my sisters!!!
Last month, someone took a picture of me with my two remaining sisters. Now I look like they did twenty years ago. And they are even, uhm, less thin now than they were then. In twenty years, I just can't look like they do now. I just can't. Hence the paragraph above.
Now. Hopefully, to obsess about other things.
Oh, and to eat steak. See why I must get more exercise?! Although, frankly, I'd love to be sitting in a quiet corner eating mozz-stuffed breadsticks and eavesdropping....
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
Freaky deaky morning
Hair: Big clip in back
9:00 a.m.
Can’t check a book in because a) the bib record is tied up [so I free it]; b) an item attached is tied up [so I free it]; c) another item attached is tied up [so I free it]; d) the patron record with the reserve on it is in use [so I free it]; e) that patron hold can’t be accessed.
So I call one of the Gs [system administrators] for help. HE goes through the same procedure – it at least is quite validating to know that I did it all right – and can’t get anywhere either. He is calling the company that designed the database we use.
The title of the book? In praise of slowness: how a worldwide movement is challenging the cult of speed, by Carl Honore.
9:30 a.m.
WHAT?!? I’m supposed to be on Reference this morning?! Nice of The Scheduler to a) ask if that worked for me/warn me ahead of time, AND b) ‘remind’ me as I sat at my desk in the workroom happily cataloging away and dealing with the above problem. The latter alone took over 20 minutes.
I arrive at Reference a half hour late to find none of the computers on (except the Internet ones, which patrons have clearly done for themselves), the newspapers in a snarl in the reading room, and my mood in the sewer. Meanwhile, Scheduling Person’s schedule hasn’t changed, even though she’s perfectly certified to do Reference. No. God forbid she should change her schedule.
Grr. GRRRRRR, I say!
Of course, the first patron I saw out here is The Guy Who Swore at Me in Traffic (TGWSAMIT). Hella day.
11:30 a.m.
The computers are shit today. There have been more weird problems like the first one. Very annoying. We should just go home.
Cataloging? HAH!
I'm putting my headphones on and the hell with the rest of the staff. I checked: I'm NOT ON REFERENCE the rest of the day. Unless she changes the schedule (a pretty common occurrence), in which case I'm screwed. Here's the situation: since returning from vacation (last Thursday), I have gotten through exactly 6 things of all the stuff that I left carefully arranged before going away. SIX. woof
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
Soul in the City
Where to start is the next question...
Hair: Down, blown-out; at least it was this morning
The One At Work:
Now that we have ID cards, issued by the city, coded to (eventually) open the doors without a key, we aren't sure what to do with them. Other city employees have to wear them/have them visible at all times; we at the library are special. huh So the next time I'm seen, I still won't have a lanyard, I guess. Actually, I don't mind one way or the other, so this is a debate I'm viewing from the sidelines.
The One At Home:
Do we want to get a copy of EACH AND EVERY photo we took on vacation--all 250? Do we want to upload all the wedding photos only? Or those plus a select few of the Historic Sites stuff? Or those plus any others that have People-We-Know involved? Or... some other possibility... There are so many choices. The only definite answer I have is that I'm not uploading everything online because we have a modem and the "estimated time" was 355 minutes. Give or take an hour or so.
The One Here:
Do I have enough time or interest in blogging my journal for the trip? There are quite a few things that I wrote that are really not for anyone but my immediate family's eyes. [oooh, mysterious] That would definitely NOT go here, for an assortment of reasons...
Still, it's tempting. And after all, I don't have anything else to do! Like, oh: figure out the photo dilemma, find the dining room table, find my desk, get Sparky sorted for school ... and also the never-ending round of daily/weekly/frequent chores like grocery shopping, meal-planning, bill-paying, Amazing Race-watching, etc.
To misquote Avril: Life is so complicated.