Friday, December 08, 2006

A rare meme

Cuz I normally do them elsewhere. I'm omitting anything meme-ish (i.e., my Escher of the Month posts) from this list.

However, this is from Sangria Lover: Write the first sentence of the first post of every month in 2006 …

January: New Year's Day pt. 2 One of my family's traditions is watching the Rose Parade on New Year's Day.

February: "Ionesco, paging Mr. Ionesco" Me, casting about for a subject to prompt discussion, at lunch today in the library's staff room: "So..., what's your latest thought about what you want to be when you grow up?"

March: Dreams So, Amy and I were on a road trip in the state just north of this one.

April: Announcements announcements annou-ounce-ments
This just in: languagehat has discovered through complicated formulas, that the English lanugage's death can be pinpointed in this century!

May: What exactly is friendship? ((No Man's Land—"now we're gonna get the whole story")) I'm listening to an old favorite: Billy Joel's "River of Dreams" CD.

June: Saving Y'know, that thing you're supposed to do regularly when creating a document?

July: Saturday ... As I told Sparky when I got up today--after he greeted me with "Good noon"--since he is constitutionally unable to sleep past 8, SOMEone in this house has to fulfill the purpose of sleeping till 11 a.m. once in awhile....

August: Back to work OK, so I haven't been at work for 10 days.

September: Free at last! Thank you, Dr. King. [Is this the context we were discussing earlier this week? I can't remember.]

October: It's official: we're old Well, not old exactly, but I never thought I'd be as old as the people who came to my little college for Homecoming to celebrate a 20 year reunion.

November: All Souls Day It seems somewhat appropriate that today is the day that Michelangelo finished working on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, after four long years, much of which was spent arguing with Pope Julius II and Raphael, among others, and dealing with his family who were (was?) as dysfunctional as they get. [Damn--that's one LONG sentence!]

December: Writing I'm going to pick on a famous person this morning.

Interesting year I've had....

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