Thursday, June 01, 2006


Y'know, that thing you're supposed to do regularly when creating a document? Just in case you have a power failure or hit the wrong key or develop bad karma...? I know this thing, I practice it pretty well when using Word or whatever.

But fuckitall--I just lost the last 90-minutes of work on a webpage of pull-down menus, a solid 45 minutes of which was going menu-to-menu finding BOOK-PBACK/AD-NONFIC/NONFICTION/ADULT 100 times, and then BOOK-NEW/NEW-NF/NONFICTION/ADULT almost that many times.

At some point in the future this will be funny. Right now it is emphatically NOT.

The saving grace is U-Pop on XM, providing moments of getting up to stretch and pop with Shakira or with Prince.

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