Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Ranting (with Anglo-Saxon moments)

Word Spy:
gurgitator n. A person who competes in eating contests.

Which has fuckall to do with my day. Think of it as a vacuum separating reality from people who really have nofuckingclue.

By 11 a.m. today, I was more than ready to file down my teeth to sharp points in order to more effectively bite coworkers. It is, apparently, too much to ask for people to shutthefuck UP in the workroom. It is, apparently, possible for at least one individual to misunderstand--repeatedly--"I can't today, this week, or next week. No, not even one minute."

When I got back from lunch, everyone was very busy catching up on the last 3 days' worth of work--yes, the server was repaired--and I was somewhat less likely to chew concrete. It will be good to stay home from work tomorrow, so that I can accomplish something. I've been working assiduously on this mapping thing and I finally feel like I know what I'm supposed to be doing (having to go over this with a director who is even more behind the 8-ball than I am hasn't helped) and can actually START MAPPING.

I am looking forward to a week away from work more than I have in 15 years. Hanging drywall, mucking out storm damage, roofing, even KP duty ... all that sounds like heaven. The only blip in the radar is the fact that the PITA Neighbor is going to be there. She was miffed last night when I started a phone call by saying that I couldn't talk more than a couple of minutes. Did she ask why? No.

And that pretty much says it all. I well know that I am currently living in "It's All About Me World." I am forced--daily--to deal with the fact that the world actually does NOT revolve around me, and to interact with others who have bigger (or at least comparable) issues. It's a cleansing, useful reminder of my place in the Big Picture.

What I am sick of is dealing with people who can't, or won't, pull their heads out for even ONEfuckingMINUTE to notice that other people are dealing with some major shitstuff. I'm so tired of listening to the dire (or not) dramas of others while in return I get...nothing: no listening ear, no pat on the back, no "gee, that's tough." This, from self-avowed "friends." If this is the kind of friends I have, I may as well become Misanthrope of the Year. I'm partway down the road already.

And believe me, it's not just me: I watch people whose issues dwarf my piddlyshit ones being slammed, insulted, belittled, or (and) ignored while people who are upset because their fuckingwindows aren't clean bitchandmoan endlessly about it. One more comment about how so-and-so's vacation week was "horrible" and I swear to God she will be wearing my brain cells as a corsage.

So anyway: Howthehell are you??

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