Friday, September 01, 2006

Free at last!

Thank you, Dr. King. [Is this the context we were discussing earlier this week? I can't remember.]

In any case, I don't work today, at least not for pay. I do work tomorrow, but that's ok.

Beast is returning home today after a long week out of state. So I'm free on that score too.

Aside: A glance at Sparky's hair 5 minutes before he left this morning prompted me to ask him if he'd showered. "Yes." OK, I let it go as he got his backpack and came back to kiss me goodbye. Then I asked if he cared to rethink the question about showering. "I showered!" So, I said something like, "So if I went and checked the shower curtain, it would be wet?" {{Pause}} "sigh Noooo. I didn't shower." Why lie? Jeez, I wasn't going to make him go shower with no time left to catch the bus. This is, apparently, my 'punishment' for waking up only in time to see him off.

So what I'm doing today instead is exciting stuff like renewing my driver's license; I hate to say it, but I really need a new photo since the one I'm carrying around is about 8 years old. Hey, this is what a clear driving record does for you! I also need to make sure there is communion bread for church on Sunday (either make it or buy it). I have a couple of phone calls to return. And I 'should' update my book blog, since I have finished two books this week.

I'm actually starting the day, however, by going back to bed (and, hopefully, to sleep) as soon as I finish this post. I've had about 9 hours of decent sleep in the past two nights combined and I'm tired. This weekend promises to be busy (in a fun way!) so I'm preloading on rest. Thankfully, the sore throat that was threatening on Tuesday (?I think) has disappeared. Must have been allergy-related. Or stress-related.

Back to sleep for me.

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