Sunday, October 01, 2006

It's official: we're old

Well, not old exactly, but I never thought I'd be as old as the people who came to my little college for Homecoming to celebrate a 20 year reunion.

But I am. I'm going to be 43 in about 6 weeks.

And I sat in a tent during the whole of the first half of the Homecoming game yesterday for two valid reasons: 1) it was raining (both pouring and dripping--wait a sec and it'll change); and 2) the stands were crowded and there was nowhere to sit with back support.

Oh, and if you wait till halftime, you don't have to pay admission. We learned that if you straggle out at the very, very end of the game the TimeWarner T-shirts are literally THROWN at you, for FREE. So we now have 4 new T-shirts, at a total cost of $19 (I'd already bought a different one at the campus bookstore).

I took...uhm...4 pictures. Of a baby. Nothing at all incriminating of my co-alumni.

The reunion dinner was weird. That's all I'll say about that.

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