Wednesday, October 03, 2007


  • Work today was...annoying. I spent over an hour trying to a) download an ebook onto this here laptop, and then b) transfer it to my MP3 player. I was, eventually, successful on a), but failed dramatically at b). And now my laptop is snubbing my Zen. This came about after an abbreviated attempt at doing just this thing last Sunday. So, the upshot is that I have two downloaded books on my laptop, and no way to transfer them to the Zen...and I've lost the manual for the Zen here at home somewhere.

  • The highlight of the day is that we got our copy of OJ's tell-all, the money going to the Goldman family. [This, by the way, was not the book I downloaded!] I *totally love* the cover layout. There's a tiny little "If" inside the first I of the title itself.

  • What I should be doing right now: figuring out how to use the church website software. I've had the instruction manual for ten days now; it's less than a foot from my left elbow. I can't seem to make myself start.

  • I also should be prepping for mentoring on Saturday. --sigh--

  • My RSS feed for the local paper informed me this morning that there was a flight-for-life rescue going on about halfway between my house and work about an hour after I arrived today. I have since found out that a teenager blew a stop sign, and drove out in front of a motorcyclist who plowed into his car at highway speed. The motorcyclist was pronounced dead at the hospital later in the afternoon. When that kid got up this morning, he was 17 and carefree; two hours later, he's got blood on his hands, and his life has changed forever.

  • That sort of put the rest of my evening into perspective.

  • There are some really scary people who use my library. I just wanted to remind you all of that fact. There are also some really ICKY people. I wonder if wearing a radiation suit while working in public would scare away the nice, normal people. Yeah. Probably so.

  • We had shrimp arrabiata for dinner. I laugh whenever I say "arrabiata" because of Eddie Izzard. If you don't know why, it will only confuse you more when I say that Darth Vader has never been funnier than when ordering penne al'arrabiata at the Death Star canteen.

  • I have "new hair" again. OK, it's the same old hair I had Monday, but it's slightly redder, a little shorter, and it smells really good. You'll have to trust me on this.

  • I love Meebo. I am currently IMing my sweetie (who is in the city next to the capital of a state that looks a lot like an obese, left square-bracket) from my webpage--this very one--because his StooPid company software won't let him use Yahoo or Gmail to IM "normal." He's telling me about the oddballs in the hotel restaurant last night, including a woman who announced to the entire restaurant and bar that she sleeps naked on silk sheets.

  • When I travel, no one does anything remotely bizarre like this in my vicinity. Or maybe I just don't notice? Probably the latter. Is that because the people with whom I travel ARE the most bizarre people in any given situation? No. That can't be it, can it?

  • My eyes...don't hurt...! But they are dry and tired and itchy. So I think I'm done here now.

  • Besides, I just had to do a hard reboot of the laptop to finish this post after it froze up during the uploading of the OJ book cover.

  • So, yeah, I'm off to bath, then sleep. In pajamas. In my bed, made up with decidedly NON-silk sheets.

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