Saturday, March 31, 2007

Home is where the heart is

Also, Beast.

Yes, we survived pretty handily. No giant fights, no enforced marches alone outside to keep peace in the family, no car crashes, no horrendously bad travel stories.

We did have snow. We did spend a lot of money. We did sleep a lot of extra hours. We ate a lot of good food.

I only got irritated with Jan on Thursday. I told Beast I'm not sure if it's because I know I'm leaving, or because he (Jan) amps it up just before people are ready to leave, but the last day is ALWAYS a giant pain with him. Life itself is a pain when he's involved. At one point on the first day we were at Marie & Jan's house, Sparky whispered to me, "Doesn't Uncle Jan ever shut up??" Uh, no.

Unfortunately, I did get Sparky's cold, which is still hanging on. I'm quite tired tonight; seeing as how my body thinks the clock has been turned back, and seeing as how my body was awake after 5 hours of "sleep" last 3:30 this morning, I think that's not unexpected.

I'm glad to be home, but it was good to see Mom, good to see my sister, and good to see Colorado. Mom only cried once, when we left--instead of everytime someone said (virtually) anything at all. She seems content with her life, and that's good.


Good night. I have already deleted over 200 Bloglines posts, unread. Sorry--but most of you who are reading this are not among the deleted-and-unread.

I'm feeling totally incoherent, so I think I'll close. More tomorrow. Or sometime.

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