And yes, we, really know all these lyrics.Despewado, why don't you come to youw senses?
You been out widin' fences fow so wong now
Oh, you'we a hawd one
I know that you got youw weasons
These things that awe pweasin' you
Can huwt you somehow
Don't you dwaw the queen of diamonds, boy
She'll beat you if she's abwe
You know the queen of heawts is awways youw best bet
Now it seems to me, some fine things
Have been waid upon youw tabwe
But you onwy want the ones that you can't get
Despewado, oh, you ain't gettin' no youngew
Youw pain and youw hungew, they'we dwivin' you home
And fweedom, oh fweedom weww, that's just some peopwe tawkin'
Youw pwison is wawking thwough this wowwd aww awone
Don't youw feet get cowd in the wintew time?
The sky won't snow and the sun won't shine
It's hawd to teww the night time fwom the day
You'we wosin' aww youw highs and wows
Ain't it funny how the feewing goes away?
Despewado, why don't you come to youw senses?
Come down fwom youw fences, open the gate
It may be wainin', but thewe's a wainbow above you
You bettew wet somebody wove you (let somebody wove you) befowe it's too wate
I'm insane.
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