Monday, June 25, 2007

Weekly planning

Last night, Sparky's youth group met for the very last time in our old church. I think they are 'officially' the last group to use it from our congregation. It's already been rented by another start-up congregation for Sunday mornings, and the contract for sale is due to be signed this week. Soon, the old albatross will be hanging around some other schlub's neck--hurrah!! Still, it was a little sad to see the changes, the lacks now that we are moved out, and the kneelers in the sanctuary.

It was on the drive into town to pick Sparky up that I remembered that Vacation Bible School starts today. He's supposed to be helping in some capacity or another, but (to my knowledge) has not been contacted. The fact that we missed church the past two weeks may be part of the reason he's in the dark.

Beast is going out of town tomorrow for a couple of days. I'm starting to do the preliminary freak-out about having done ZERO planning for the trip we leave on in about ten days; spent yesterday plotting a course (call me Chekhov) and designing a spreadsheet with everything on it:
  • Wednesday, July 04 to London, KY (need reservation--HIE?)
  • Thursday, July 05 arriving in TN by late morning RESERVED ROOM
  • Friday, July 06 RESERVED ROOM sightseeing? poss. on call for shuttling people/luggage? rehearsal & dinner in eve. REHEARSAL 5:00 ; DINNER @ 7:00
  • Saturday, July 07, 2007 RESERVED ROOM HAIR 9:00 ; WEDDING 2:00; RECEPTION 6:00?
  • Sunday, July 08 to Abingdon, VA (need reservation--HIE?) with stops in Jonesborough, Cherokee Nat'l Forest, Cumberland Gap, Great Smokey Mtns., Elizabethton
  • Monday, July 09, 2007 to Lynchburg, VA? (need reservation--HIE?) with stops in TN: Bristol, Kingsport; VA: Abingdon, Roanoke, Appomattox Courthouse
  • Tuesday, July 10 Winchester, VA area (need reservation--HI or HIE?) with stops in Waynesboro, Blue Ridge Pkwy.
  • Wednesday, July 11 to Gettysburg, PA area (need reservation--HI or HIE?) WV: Harper's Ferry, Charlestown, Martinsburg; PA: York, Gettysburg
  • Thursday, July 12 to Cleveland, OH (need reservation--Courtyard?) with stops in Harrisburg?, Johnstown, Shanksville, Sharon
  • Friday, July 13 Cleveland (need reservation--Courtyard?) family time, laundry?? Rock'nRoll Hall of Fame?
  • Saturday, July 14 driving HOME!!
I'm too lazy to sort out how to import a spreadsheet, but that's the gist of it.

Also today, ordering (or deciding whether I need to order) this month's Dinner by Design, updating the book blog and reading lists, grocery shopping, calling the city to update our church listing on their website, calling my mom, and going back for another fitting of The Dress. My life = très exciting, non?

Sparky is awake. He is needing multiple directions about calling the VBS person, finding appropriate clothes, figuring out his time, etc. Someday, he will be a grown-up--he's almost there, but not quite. ;-)

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