Monday, June 25, 2007

Libraryland gossip ragging

You know what...Michael Gorman is a putz. I find myself in the unwilling position of having to justify his existence as a blogger (and {groan} librarian) who hates bloggers. He's kinda the Phyllis Schlafly of Blogland. I hope he reads that with every bit of venom I have put in.

I don't intend to spend any of my valuable time refuting any of his idiotic, hypocritical--and hypercritical--carping (gosh, I started to type "crap" and look where my brilliant fingers took me instead!), I just wanted to say. Y'know. I cn has pinyuns.

Actually, can someone please do a Blog-lebrity (verbal) Death Match between Gorman and the hat? I'd do some serious Paypal-ing for that!

(n.b.=all links (oh, how progressive and 21st century of me!) in this post are to "Web 2.0" materials, which are free. And even accurate.)

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