Wednesday, May 23, 2007

STOP! Just stop, already!

I bagged work yesterday. My throat was still sore and scratchy and I just felt lousy, so I took Sparky to school with all his project stuff--after listening to him run through the speech one more time. He says he thinks he did "all right." We'll see.

I took a long nap yesterday afternoon and felt well enough to go to the Session meeting at 7, with a detour to the grocery store on the way (which isn't really on the way). Last night was an experiment in typing the minutes directly into the laptop and I think it was pretty much a success. Why haven't I been doing this before?? I'm effectively DONE for the month, though I should take an hour to tidy up the layout before I email it, and I have a couple of calls to make regarding member transfers to do as well.

The down-side of the meeting? I left church at 10 last night. The meeting lasted nearly 3 hours! That's just nucking futs! Someone needs to rein in the pastor; he has a tendency to ramble and get distracted. Towards the end, I finally gave up on trying to track everything and logged into our youth group's gmail account and started a new blog for us. I did the layout and title, picked colors and font, and added a photo, all during the discussion of ... something random that was summed up in the minutes in 4 lines. My lack of attention was totally not fair, but I was really just trying not to instigate any more distractions at that point.

To be fair, one of the things we needed to talk about was the complaint we're taking to court so that we can have full access to our (new) property. Long, really contentious (no kidding!) story there. I don't like being in the position of filing a lawsuit as a church--the perception that tends to create is not one I think furthers the cause of the Church (Church Universal, if you will), but we've tried every other avenue for resolving the situation. You can't reason with people if they won't even come to the table.

Today, Sparky has a delayed start of the school day. I'm having a very slow start, but will try to get to work at least for a few hours. This afternoon is my eye doctor visit, the one with all the whistles and bells (or drops and tests, really), the one that gives me a headache and leaves me slightly nauseous every time. I have to call this morning and make sure the referral was faxed through. Again, nothing like waiting till the last minute....

This truly feels like a hump day.

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