Monday, May 21, 2007


Beast was sick all weekend. He seems to be better today.

Sparky spent 12 hours on his project on Saturday alone. He spent about three hours on it yesterday. And we spent another four-plus hours on it today. I'm really, really tired of Forensic Science!!

Meanwhile, I've come down with either a) the worst bout of allergies in a VERY long time, or b) a cold. My throat is raspy and sore, and I've now developed a headache.

Yesterday was the dedication of our new church building. Several former pastors were there, but not Steve. I'm torn between pissed and just sad. Still, it was a wonderful service and the open house afterwards was fun, even if I was completely wrecked by the end of it. And so was Beast.

I spent a half-hour policing 8th-grade-dance photos at lunch today (they were for sale for $1 each), and then three hours listening to project presentations at Sparky's school. Having done this last year, I had a good idea of what to expect. Nothing really surprised me today, except for one I graded as an A+. I knew about four of the kids this year. The subjects were:
Military Aircraft - B
Divorce - C-
Photography - C+
Animal Cruelty - B
Animal Control - A-
Forensic Science (focus: DNA) - C- (just to get her to be quiet and leave!) I jest, I jest
NHRA Racing - A+ (and it was a girl)
Digital Photography - B-
Just to be clear, there were four judges in my room, and the kids didn't see their scores from us today.

I do enjoy doing this (though I didn't really care for most of the other judges I sat with today--too much history with one and a lot of 'tude from one of the others). I enjoy it so much that I am going over to the other middle school Friday to judge some of theirs.

Sparky does his tomorrow morning. I'll have to take him in with his stuff, just as I had to drive him this morning because he had a rocket that had to go to school and it just didn't seem sensible to take something like that on a school bus.

Tonight, while he was running his speech, I was typing up last month's Session minutes for tomorrow night's meeting. I've only had four weeks to do them, so of course, I'm doing it last-minute. Sensing a theme here? Like mother, like son, maybe?

I feel lousy. I'm going to bed. I sure hope I can sleep all night, but I wouldn't take any bets on that if I were you.

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