Sunday, May 13, 2007

Lazy Sunday

Happy Mother's Day, ya'll.

Part of my 'plan' for today was to sit on a folding chaise in the yard and read in the sun. It's cloudy and doesn't look like good sun-worshipping weather today.

So instead I'll play The Sims on Sparky's GameCube (with him), go out to lunch somewhere fun, and probably take a nap. My life = excitement beyond belief.

Beast is still asleep upstairs, and I feel like crawling back into bed too. Except I've already polished off a can of DP, so I doubt I could sleep.

We did get the camera this week, the one we ordered online, so I can play with it today. Except we need another memory card: the one we got with the camera only holds 7 photos.

Right. I need to motivate myself up off the sofa and do something. See ya latah.

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