Monday, May 14, 2007


I'm tired.

Yesterday was good. The loot: flowers, a memory card for the new camera*, a plaque (which sort of matches another one in the house), and the "fancy" version of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe on DVD.

Brunch at a really wonderful pancake place. New fridge filter purchased and installed. Five hours of GameCube Simming, three hours of Survivor (we taped the last hour--the reunion show--and went to bed).

I forgot to eat dinner, so I woke up in the middle of the night. After having a few crackers, I ended up with heartburn. The result? Not exactly a restful night.

This was topped off by one giNORmous argument this morning with Sparky. It's good the houses around us aren't very close by.

I'm heading into the kitchen to make banana bread for church. Don't ask. I'll just say that with the number of yucky bananas currently in the house, we'd be eating banana bread for about 3 straight weeks if I didn't take it SOMEwhere. I don't like banana bread that much and the boys rarely eat it.

*Beast has absconded with the camera on his business trip this week, so no games for me till later...Thursday or so....

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