Saturday, May 12, 2007


I've been lurking around Hugh's take on reading Matthew.

Today's post is about anger. Good heavens: the only kind of anger we Christians--at least in my upbringing--are "supposed" to have is Righteous Anger! Yes, there's a time and a place for that. But regular run-of-the-mill, spitting nails and the Evil Eye? Nope. Stuff that down; we don't "do" that. That tends to lead to a lot of lying to oneself about what really is Righteous in one's Anger. If one is honest, one admits that this is bullshit, but that's hard to take.

WWJD? Indeed, what would Jesus have us do:
The answer - undeniably frustrating as it is and unbelievably difficult to comprehend - is ... wait for it ... forgiveness. NO! NO! NO! THEY WERE WRONG! They are ebil ebil fucktards!

The Good News? Yeah, they probably are. The Bad News? You just have to give up being Right. Jesus tells us to become something bigger, bigger than the Human Need to be Right, something Godly. God, for example, doesn't exactly go around needing to prove "Rightness".

"Come to terms quickly with your accuser while you are on the way to court".

The question is, "Who's zooming who?" The accuser becomes the accused. Where does blame ultimately lie?
I don't wanna give up being Right. I like being Right. I like being Right waaaaay more than I like being Good.

Oh shit. That's the point.

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