Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Link Spew

Random conversations at the Reference Desk, courtesy of Marian:
Conversation with a Retired Librarian

She is here subbing at the reference desk. I find a CD sitting by the computer.

Me: Is this checked out to someone? If not, I want to check it out.

RL: What CD is it?

Me: The Best of Funk.

RL: What is "funk"?
Lest anyone think I am (or Marian is) picking on older people...
Kid: Can I borrow your stapler?

Me: Sure.

He goes away, then brings it back.

Kid: See? I used it to fix the hole in my pants!

I think snorting Dr. Pepper out of my nose when I read this news makes it official: I am a Bad Christian.
[But sane. At least I've got that going for me.]

It's interesting, and very odd, that Fort Collins appears on both the "Saddest Cities" list and the "Most Loved Cities" lists here. However, I think it is sort of a cool project. Play with the mounds!

And finally:

Your Daylight Saving Time Has Come

P.S. Haloscan still hates me...but only at home.

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