Wednesday, April 04, 2007

yada yada yada

My shoulder is better. Of course: it was paying attention this morning when I called and made an appointment for a massage tomorrow morning, her earliest opening. I have smelled of Ben-Gay all day (oooh, pote-ry!). Feh.

I'm getting very-damn-little accomplished at work: still two full carts of materials to catalog. Oh, well. It'll wait, and I have job security for the next several months!

BUT, I spent this evening getting through ALL the listserve messages that have accrued at work. I was up to about 600. No, I did NOT read them all. However, I think that I will send private messages to OCLC-CAT and AUTO-CAT listserve people letting them know that if they don't do something about WinGNUTship and his idiocy, I will unsubscribe because I can't possibly want to post anything on them, ever, with him around. He's a total jerk, and consistently jumps on people for the most asinine reasons and in the most petty ways. And...he's not even a cataloger!! In fact, he's not even a librarian! WTF, dude, WTF...!

Oops. I was sounding almost sane there for a mo, wasn't I, till I got on that moron. In any case, I'm caught up (for now). I also spent an hour clearing out multiple saved Bloglines posts. I'm down to 16. They are all saved for good reasons (Haloscan issues, stuff to forward to Sue K and Ken re church communication/website development, typos to check in our catalog, memes to do Sunday...etc.), and it's exactly half of what was around earlier this evening.

It's cold as hell here, just where it's supposed to remain through the weekend. Yish. Have I bought a new Easter dress? Do the Boys have Easter clothes? No, and no. Oh, well. Bad mom/wife. Shoot me.

Pretty uninspired stuff tonight. Sorry. I'm half-watching some show Beast is watching about the Dead Sea scrolls and Qumran. I'm a sucker on this subject, so I guess I'll close this and just watch it.

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