Tuesday, April 03, 2007

First day back at work

...after almost two weeks.
  • I have three FULL carts (like this) of materials that need to be cataloged, plus another smaller cart (like this) Full. Plus four large cartons of books that haven't been opened. Yee-haw.

  • I found about 15 items that had questions that I needed to deal with (various and assorted, always fun).

  • I found over 500 listserve messages in my inbox, and about 20 unanswered regular emails (to be fair, I'd weeded the latter throughout the week).

  • I found that the OCLC-CAT listserve had been infiltrated by D0ugl@s W!nsh!p, Prick of the Universe, much to my dismay. He really brings out the worst in everyone, and got himself banned--something I've never seen happen on OCLC-CAT in over 2 years of membership! That was beauteous indeed.

  • I found stacks of junk mail, 80% of which went right into the recycling bin. The other stuff I kept since I actually buy material in that area. Why, exactly, do I consistently get catalogs of social science material?? I have NEVER in my career purchased 300s!

  • I found four reserved items for me, one for Beast, and one for Amy (ergh--I will send it tomorrow......sorry!).
By 1:00, I had also found that my head didn't turn right without a twinge down my shoulder blade. I took three Tylenol at 1:30 (rare--I am careful not to overload my liver). By 2:30, I couldn't turn my head at all, and I was lying on the floor trying to stretch my back. By 4, I was on my way home in spite of planning to stay till 5 at the earliest.

I took an Aleve as soon as I arrived home. I took a second one about 45 minutes later. At 6:30, Beast tried to find the knot, with no success whatsoever. At 6:45, I caved in, wiped the tears off my face, and took a Skelaxin that Beast has for his back flareups. Then we ate dinner.

An hour later, I can turn my head about 40% further than I could at 4, and it doesn't (quite) bring tears to my eyes to do so.

Fuck. I so do not have time for this.

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