Thursday, March 08, 2007


Been having loads of "Deep Thoughts" (mostly not like these) lately, but never at a time when I'm able to write them down. Or when I try to pull them together into a coherent whole, I can't remember what I wanted to say. Eventually it'll all come together into something (which may turn out to be a lot of nothing).

Yesterday's condensed edition:

  • I cleared 75% of the dreaded Bottom Shelf (stuff that has been waiting for Someone Else to catalog it so I don't have to). No one has, so I ended up adding about 8 music CDs to OCLC, everything from a Black Sabbath reissue to punk surfer music and Seattle jazz (not on the same discs!). It took me about 3 hours to do them.

  • Listened to lots of whispered conversations behind me in the workroom, mostly from Schedule Nazi repeating the same story to several different people, over and over, for those same 3 hours. While I was cataloging. At one point, I was about 10 seconds from standing up and asking her why, if she didn't have any work to do, she was even in the building! This was after Complainer came and asked me about something she overheard the director talking about: "She should tell us when she makes changes in how many things people can check out." What? The director was discussing how many things people can place on hold at a time, not check out. Go sit down and stop bothering me! Thank God she didn't hear the part about discontinuing overdue fines....

  • I was shown a way to add searches to my IE7 screen so I don't have to keep going to the webpage to look something up. Now I can search WorldCat and my library's website with one click instead of three or more. And I can do it at home, too.

  • I had a malt for lunch. Because I'm all about health food.

  • Finally made it to the eye doctor for my semi-annual visit...for October. Now I have to go back again next month. Not sure what the insurance people will say about that. I didn't have to get my eyes dilated yesterday. That's a good thing.

  • Sent some stuff via the interlibrary delivery system to Amy.

  • Still waiting to find out why our codes look so wackadoo. I'll have to send a reminder email about that when I get to work.

I did not call about setting up a meeting for the 8th Grade Dance last night. I did not email Beth about the Presbytery meeting on Saturday. I did do some research into hotel rooms for our time in Denver at the end of the month. I did talk to my niece about coordinating these damn dresses for the wedding. I did go to bed very early and slept the sleep of the guilt-free.

Today I have to call a local bridal store and see about getting there tomorrow to try on dresses one more time, and order the one I settle on. Katherine will be at the store we found on Monday doing the same thing. I suspect there will be phone calls flying back and forth between us, and possibly to Elizabeth as well.

I also need to email Beth re the Presb. meeting, remind Beast that I'm going to it, and try to find a time when I can hit Dinner by Design (they emailed me yesterday to ask if I wanted to buy a franchise.....yeah, I would, but I'm not sure I'm ready to take that step).

Sparky just left for the bus stop and school. Buddy is chewing on his alfalfa cube, keeping those teeth pared down. I'm ready to go back to bed, but I think I'll update my book blog first so I can return the stuff that I finished...last week....

My life = oh-so-exciting.

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