Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Chat with my niece

OK, so there is a chance that something in here might be randomly offensive. I'm sure you'll let me know how annoying we are, not to mention un-PC and unfunny, except to ourselves.

You've been warned.

Rosellen: Consider yourself interrupted!
3:08 PM
Cat.: Hey! I couldn't figure out what the noise was in my headphones! Besides Sting, I mean. How are you??
Rosellen: Not too bad, not too bad.
3:09 PM
Cat.: I'm fine. Tired. Ready to go home, but have another hour to go. OK, I should know this, but......have you moved?
Rosellen: Noooo.... not yet! Going to Edinburgh beginning of April -- Guess I should probably make some sort of Family Announcement
3:10 PM
Cat.: I wasn't sure what your mom told us. Just remember that you and Jesse [her brother] are "on the move" at some level. And you and Tom are moving in together? Or do I have that completely wrong??
Rosellen: I think Jesse is staying put for now...? Tom and I are both moving to Edinburgh.
Cat.: I think Jesse's moving was semi-metaphorical
Rosellen: Hah!
3:11 PM
He's having an idealistic phase -- Wants to decide on the one thing that he's going to devote his life to
Cat.: Yeah. I have those. Then I wake up and realize that I need to eat occasionally. :-)
Rosellen: hehehe His one great project
Cat.: One great project : kids (don't tell him I said that!)
Rosellen: I think he wants to be Gandhi or something haha
3:12 PM
Cat.: He's shaving his head? To be Gandhi
Rosellen: He frequently shaves his head! -- I don't think kids figure in the male psyche much at that age do they?
Cat.: No, usually not till guys turn about 50
Rosellen: sigh
Cat.: Then they suddenly realize they're going to die. Must procreate. Hence : trophy wives
Rosellen: Yeah, so Tom and I are going to get separate places in Edin
3:13 PM Haha !
Cat.: Oh. Good thing I asked.
Rosellen: Did I tell you Tom is my toyboy?
Cat.: Uh, no........ ?
Rosellen: Makes me worried... -- the trophy wife thing
Cat.: How old is he? Or am I missing something here?
3:14 PM
Rosellen: Nahhh... it's only a year and a half -- I would just prefer about three times that in the other direction!!
Cat.: Ahhh. OK.
3:15 PM
Does he know he's your toyboy??
Rosellen: Heh, no he thinks I'm 17. :-p
Cat.: At heart :-) [she'll be 28 next month]
Rosellen: Deffo.
Cat.: It's the unicycle thing
3:16 PM
Rosellen:He doesn't like unicycles :-( -- It's his one flaw.
What do you want to be interrupted for anyway?
Cat.: Because I'm doing boring stuff at work. I just need to wake up this time of day.........yawn
He doesn't like the cycle? Why? One flaw--heh that's good
Rosellen: Must be... 3.15 there?
Cat.: Yep. Prime napping time
Rosellen: Naptime! hee
Cat.: .......great minds.......
3:17 PM
Rosellen: ooooohhhhhhhhhh... i just realised I can have this conversation in big [i.e., in a bigger window]
Cat.: So you tell me: what is your job in Scotland going to be? Yeah: Big for old eyes (like mine)
Rosellen: Preschool education [stuff for the government] -- :-o
Rosellen: yeah I know.
Cat.: For Scotland, or for the whole UK[?]
3:18 PM
Rosellen: Scotland -- Dunno how long I'll last -- Get to project manage a survey :-)
Cat.: You can fill [her aunt/my sister] Marie in on all the scuttlebutt about childcare in Scotland Rosellen: Oh I never thought of that
Cat.: Oooh, project management. You are moving up!!
Rosellen: I'm slightly worried that they call it education -- Do we need to educate kids that young?
3:19 PM
Cat.: Education = Sit, stay, be quiet, don't stab each other with sticks
Rosellen: Hah -- Guess so then
Cat.: Especially the last one.
Rosellen: It's a hard lesson to learn -- I'm tempted sometimes
Cat.: Kids can be pretty brtal .......... brutal
Rosellen: and brittle -- actually, no, they're more bouncy aren't they
Cat.: Yeah, me too. [hard lesson to learn] Good thing they took my stick away!! :-D
Rosellen: rofl
3:20 PM
Cat.: No fun, no fair.
Rosellen: Anywayz... we'll see. The trouble with the civil service is that the pay is addictive
Cat.: Yeah, govt' pays well. Good benefits all round. It's that eating thing again
Rosellen: Defo
Cat.: So it's what 9:20 there? Or 8:20?
Rosellen: 9.20 -- Just been surfin for accommodation
Cat.: accom where?
3:21 PM
Rosellen: Edinburgh!
Cat.: Ahhh, housing. I was thinking 'hotel' like vacay
Rosellen: No, won't be having one of them for a while. Unless you count staying in a Travelodge whilst househunting
3:22 PM
Cat.: No, I don't think that counts. Is the market that tight in Edinburgh? Or are you that fussy?
Rosellen: We are just going up for a few days beforehand to get things sorted. Don't want to arrive with loads of stuff and nowhere to put it
Cat.: No, that would be...bad.... :-)
3:23 PM
No sense looking desperate -- Madness "Our House" is currently playing on my radio station (online). How appropriate!!
Rosellen: desperate? -- Wahoo! Good old Madness
3:24 PM
Cat.: Desperate: a car full of clothes and stuff and nowhere to put it. "Please, can't I live here??" Rosellen: Hee hee -- I don't think my genetics allow me to do that -- Must. Have. Plan.
Cat.: You'd need to work on the "Poor Me" face ....... Planning is good....unless you go overboard and get too attached to the plan
3:25 PM
Rosellen: Gahhh... more aussies!
Cat.: Aussies?
Rosellen: Aussies are the pitfall. They should be avoided at all costs (Just clicked on a hopeful link and got Aussies)
Cat.: OK......why? Are they contagious?
Rosellen: Kind of.
Cat.: I hear they do a good party, though.
Rosellen: More -- here for a holiday, always drunk, loud, etc...
Cat.: yeah, same wavelength again
3:26 PM
Rosellen: haha -- We're looking for Spaniards really. If we get to choose
Cat.: Spaniards? Quiet, shy and kind?
3:27 PM
Sounds like librarians...librarians minus their cats equals Spaniards? Guess that makes me a Spaniard........;-)
Rosellen: Urm.??? Is that a cultural stereotype we have here or are you just thinking opposites
3:28 PM
Cat.: or not so much
Rosellen: We just want nice food and a change to practice the lingo
Cat.: No, we don't really have any stereotypes of Spaniards, except maybe the one about getting fingers cut off by pickpockets. [But] I'm laughing. You should come to [the town where I work] if you want to practice your Spanish! heh
3:29 PM
Rosellen: [Your town]?
3:30 PM
Cat.: Our schools are currently about 20% Latino kids. LOTS of Spanish-speaking people in the area. Weird, but true.
3:31 PM
Rosellen: Ohhhh... but they do funny things like not use the preterite and say "ustedes" instead of "vosotros"... [she knows Spanish-as-they-speak-in-Spain, not Latin American Spanish] That must be pretty cool though -- Is Sparky learning Spanish?
3:32 PM
Cat.: No, no vosotros here. Though I do have Te Quiero Igual in my headphones now. Funny how our conversation is tracking the music...actually quite weird. Sparky wants to learn German. Failing that, he's decided on Chinese. He's a strange child. I think he'd prefer Japanese, but it's not offered.
3:33 PM
Rosellen: "I love you equally?" Yes v weird -- Chinese eh? Guess you've got another businessman in the family...
3:34 PM
Cat.: Yes, they just started offering it last Sept. He wants it because he says he already knows Spanish because he hears it all the time. Yeah right
Rosellen: Where do they get the teachers?
3:35 PM
Hah, you should refuse to speak English to him for a week!
Cat.: I should only speak Spanish to him for a week. He won't have a clue! The Chinese teacher....she just {poof} was looking for a job and got hired. I guess. Not sure how that worked!
3:36 PM The Te Quiero Igual song is from this: Calamaro Querido!! Cantando Al Salmón, Parte 1 ........... Whatever THAT's about! :-)
Rosellen: Heehee... wow, singing fishes
Cat.: It's done by some guy named Kevin Johansen
3:37 PM
Rosellen: May I ask why you've got that on your headphones?
Cat.: I don't pick this stuff, but that is certainly one odd-sounding group.
Rosellen: Next we get "I like Chinese" from the Monty Python boys, yes?
Cat.: It's Yahoo's Launchcast radio station. Cat Stevens is doing Morning Has Broken now. Quiet eclectic. Again---it's all about keeping me awake!
3:38 PM
Actually, I had some Monty Python earlier, from ....Holy Grail...
Rosellen: We're knights of the round tables / We dance whenever we're able.. -- that one?
Cat.: "On second thought let's not go to Camelot. They're very silly." ..... that one
Rosellen: lol
3:39 PM
Hmmm... have managed to work my way back to all the flats I looked at and rejected last nigh[t].
Cat.: Oops, I need to go teach someone about Bloglines. I'm the only person on staff who knows anything at all about RSS or aggregators. Sad. We need to hire someone under the age of 35!!
Rosellen: haha
Cat.: Good luck with the house hunt!!
Rosellen: Thanks. Nah, people under 35 think everything is done by wizards -- See ya!
Cat.: Bye!!!

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