Tuesday, March 06, 2007


What a strange day. I seem to be having a lot of them lately.

  1. My boss was at the PLA symposium last week and (typically) came back all revved up about it. She's hoping to get a couple of the speakers to come here and rev the rest of the staff up too.

  2. While I was covering the Reference Desk this morning, Miss W was wandering the library with a couple of people. After they left, she came and asked me if I've heard of this author. Of course; even people who don't read SF should recognize his name if we work in libraries! IMHO. Ahem. Well, that's who she had been walking around with: that gentleman and his wife (and by the way, the photo on Wikipedia is o l d!). Miss W is--somewhat distantly--related to him. Who knew? Damn. Why don't people tell us this stuff? We could have been suckering him in to do programs all these years!!

  3. I finally found someone on staff who wants to know how to use Bloglines...or some kind of RSS aggregator. I've been advocating this four over 3 years now. Sheeesh. Small steps, I guess.

  4. I spent about 3 good hours of prime cataloging time working on a collection development order for my section (it's just one of the Dewey hundreds, but it's one I really enjoy, so it's perfect. "Normal" people don't have the first idea about that section and it normally gets short shrift; not at my library!!) because I just finished updating the budget and discovered I have $1000 to spend before April. Er, must get started on it, now. So I did.

  5. Our catalog is still rather messed up from whatever happened over the weekend. Not sure if it means we'll be having trouble for the long term or what.

  6. My 90-plus-year-old coworker asked today what a Blackberry is. Then she asked whether she should get a Tracfone or a regular cell phone for car emergencies. Holy shit: she's 94!! And she's considering using new technology voluntarily! Please let me be like her when I'm 80, much less 90!

  7. I had a wonderful 30-minute IM with Rosellen, my oldest overseas niece. Perhaps I'll be tedious and post it later. She makes me laugh, in a very good way.

  8. Here's the headline from this week's online American Libraries (I know that's an ugly link, but the normal one isn't working) update that just arrived in my mailbox from the director: "Scrotum flap raises ruckus over librarians’ sensibilities." If that doesn't define weird, I don't know what would! Whatever it is, I'm pretty sure I'm glad I don't have to worry about Scrotum Flap.
I'm going home. This place is just too bizarre!

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