Friday, January 12, 2007


Yesterday was a "meeting" via video similar to the one in November after which we all got yelled at like small, and very stupid, delinquents. I brought Sudokus, I sat in the back, I made an effort to ignore the stupidity, and--in spite of hearing someone ask, in effect, "What is this connection (i.e. Connexion) of which you speak?"--I made no loud references to the sizes of people's brains.

I woke up with a headache that never quite left. Amy tried to loosen up my shoulders before the meeting...because she's a good person, not because I asked her to do this...but it just wasn't happening. Afterwards, we had a good lunch/talk that skated all over the conversational map.

At 2:15, headache unabated, and on my 5th and 6th Tylenol of the day, I drove back to work. The last stretch was awful: propping my eyes open with intent, rolling the window down and turning up the CD player to ear-breaking volume, just to keep from driving into a ditch so that I could take a long nap.

Then I arrived back at work 90 minutes late because the meeting ran over and I had to stop for gas, and so find that someone else had bagged their afternoon shift, and Schedule Nazi had been looking for me. Call my cell? Hah--why do that?? They called home and talked to my sister instead. She said Schedule Nazi sounded dubious re my presence (or lack of) in the house.

Arrived home to find dinner nearly ready--YAY! crock pot--and family having not burned down the house or anything else. We ate and then my sister and I started to head to DinnerbyDesign...and I couldn't find my wallet. Cancelled DbD, called restaurant where I at lunch (which entailed cold-starting my laptop because the net was frozen and everything else I clicked on was taking minutes to respond--I eventually called the library and asked them for the phone number). No one had turned in my wallet. In total panic-mode, I go through my work-bag once more and then check behind the seats in the truck once more...and find it. It had slid way under the seat on the passenger side.

Cried. Sparky hugged me hard, patted me on the back and kept telling me it was ok, it would be fine. Cried harder. [Am tearing up now...]

I cried a lot between 4 and 8 yesterday.

Beast gave me an abbreviated shoulder rub which magically alleviated my headache, but I am tired, drained, and can actually feel the armor my emotions are wearing.

To top yesterday--hard to do, yes?--this morning I've awakened with yet another headache...and I think I've got a cold coming on. I'm throwing back the Vit. C in hopes of breaking it before it really takes hold. I work all day. Fridays suck because I'm on service desks for half the day so none of my real work gets done.

Tomorrow = funeral.

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