Saturday, April 22, 2006

Ways people have stumbled in here lately

The most likely way is by clicking the "Next Blog" link in Blogger. How else would I get such disparate in-links as these:
Para ti e para ninguem
Random Stuff
"The Ordinary Life of Liselotte N."

In Search of Rumors
So, one in German, one in Portuguese (I think), one in Norwegian, one in Polish, and two in English.

But there are also interesting searches that find me (in reverse chronology):
  • 'Candy Comer' -- which retrieved a post on spam 'authors' I did awhile ago
  • "i come with my armor in place" -- lyrics; GREAT song, really wonderful
  • Life for me ain't been no crystal stair (Langston Hughes) -- Poetry month strikes!
  • color personality tests on CD -- QUOTATIONS MARKS, people; this found me because of a book I'd read and the fact that I'd mentioned CDs somewhere else
  • poetry -- in Blogger's BlogSearch Beta (I came up 6th today)
  • walt whitman watched the plowman -- Poetry month strikes again, but people need to find the quote key: I didn't use this poem
  • "complaining about a coworker" -- hee hee hee hee
  • Italian gestures -- more laughter; guess I'm not the only one using this term
  • piers plowman in the summer season when the sun was mild--Poetry month again; the interesting thing is that Google was searching in Bosnian (?since I don't read it, I'm not sure what language to call it)
  • I'm listed here? In good company, though.
  • unthinkable erotic wives blogs and clips -- and here's the preview in Yahoo: ... 5 pocket folders with clips are still sitting on the ... love it when Old Wives' Tales turn out to have ... both be doing the unthinkable: going to bed with a ... which links here
  • This much is true -- and you have to go down several pages in the search to find me
  • planting road frontage plow -- QUOTES!! sigh
  • Walt Whitman's Watched the plowman plowing -- see above re QUOTES!! [this was searched, word-for-word, twice more...from Canada
  • "sweet dreams are made of this" song 2006 -- huh...well, at least they used quotes :-)
  • foster kids inct -- the preview: There is a blog called Ge*b's Sp*inct*r. Now I'm just flat-out laughing
  • -- No, not here; I believe I was bitching about that site
  • twice people found me in Spanish through the picture of Henry VIII I posted last summer
  • irony in saki -- In Turkish, and it found another one of these kind of posts, where I was lambasting people for lack of a search strategy
  • Patrick F. McManus chapter Poof No Eyebrows -- Please, people, I beg you: use QUOTES.
I did a little mending of a link to a photo I used almost two years ago. There must have been 25 links to that post alone. I deleted the photo, which was scary anyway. Now maybe I'll have most people visiting me who aren't looking for L*l K*m in scary ponytails.

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