Saturday, April 22, 2006

Long Photo Post

I promised pictures yesterday. I have uploaded a ton of pictures tonight, after installing our photo software into this computer. So I can do as promised in a timely manner ... for a change.

Starting with work stuff. This front cart is my usual work cart. With the exception of part of the second shelf, it is full. It is almost never this full. The cart behind it, with the blue sunflower books on it, is also full. It is slightly bigger than my normal work cart. The side you can't see is stacked as tightly as possible with CDs, DVDs and books on CD/tape.

Then there is the shelf behind. See all those books? Those arrived on Friday. That shelf is actually for photocopier paper. At the far left of that shelf is a large stack of CD-ROMs that I've been sitting on since February!

The little sliver of a cart off to the right is the donations cart. I'm fortunate enough to have a backup cataloger, and she's taking care of all the donations. Otherwise, that cart would be waiting for me too.

On a less depressing note, here are two pictures of my desk area. [I'm now standing with both carts to my right.] The milk crate at the left is full of problems I need to fix. I'm not sure when I'll ever get that sorted out...possibly never. You'll note that I'm watched over constantly by a gorgeous balding man trained as a Shakespearean actor.

I'm not at all sure what to say about the picture on the right, but here's a closer shot, so you can see my screen a little more clearly and my utterly incomprehensible notes stuck to the screen. You can also spot my little zen altar under the monitor. And, the rear-view mirror up higher on the monitor, so I can sometimes catch it when people are behind me. The pale blue bottle on the right is "Breathe calm" hand lotion. My Dr. Pepper sits right next it.

And then here are some selections from the zoo:A bactrian Camel snacking on a tasty bush outside his habitat, about 2 feet from people.

Some of these people are my relatives. Some of them aren't.

Here's a giraffe. It's about 5 feet away...through glass doors. They do walk gracefully.

This is a spectacled bear. They are supposed to be mostly vegetarian.
Which explains the giant shank of flesh it's noshing on.

The trees are all budding out.

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