Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Some Days

There are some days where you know that going to work is going to suck. Sometimes it's because of the piles of work left from previous days. Sometimes it's from leftover interpersonal stuff.

Today, for me, it's the latter. Much as I hate resolving them, unresolved interpersonal shit is like the cloud behind Pigpen: you're not sure you want to know what it's made up of, and you would prefer if it went FAR away without intervention of any kind from you.

Best news on the work front: I'm catching up. Second-best news: Sparky is coming to work today with me. I have some work for him to do (for which, yes, he does get paid--by me).

On top of this, I'm really sore from my massage yesterday. REALLY sore, but my shoulders do seem a little looser. I think I'd really need a daily appointment for at least a week to get all the tightness to go away, but that's not practical. So, two Bufferin for breakfast it is.

And I'm back to worrying about my entire family. I think that was brought on by worries over Katherine mentioned by Elizabeth, then a discussion I had yesterday about my mom...and the floodgates opened.

BUT!!! I did sleep all night last night! And that's more important that anything else in this post, I think.

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