Wednesday, May 09, 2007


I used to love meetings. That was when I didn't get out of the house much, wasn't working too many hours, and spent my day chasing a toddler around and trying not to die of boredom.

Then Last Year happened. Meeting after meeting from hell, 95% of which were work-related. I seem to have misplaced my enthusiasm for meetings.

I had one at church last night that was...good, but rather discouraging...? No, not discouraging, just too much heavy-stuff-deferred, and that annoys me. It also went on rather longer than it needed to. But in the end, it was about kids, and talking about kids makes me happy, so it was ok.

Returned to an overly warm house that smelled of fish and garlic (guess what dinner was!) and couldn't face taking a bath. That's quite unusual.

After a phone call yesterday, I had what I think might qualify as a major anxiety attack over the changes that are coming in July. Thank goodness for friends who can talk me out of the deep end of the pool without even realizing how terrified I am of drowning!

Today, I drive to the second-biggest city in the state for another fun-filled catalogers' meeting, during which we will discuss some of this anxiety-producing stuff and MAYBE I'll be relieved and positive about the situation again. In any case, I anticipate a long meeting. Oh, shit, I just realized that I'm up to chair this damn committee starting...soon (next month?).

On that note, I really need to go deal with my hair, my teeth, my lunch, and the drive to work. Sparky starts school an hour later than usual today, so I'm leaving before him. Beast is on his way home from D.C. as I type.


S T O P !!!


I'd really love to have a whole, focused thought about something, for a change.

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