Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Work...yeah, right

I haven't worked a full day since last Wednesday. I had a teleconference yesterday which required me to check my work email from home, so I cleaned out some dreck there, but this morning I had about 20 new messages in my generic inbox, and 140 listserve messages.

And, oh yeah, it's the beginning of a new month, so I have statistics up the wazoo to finish before I start anything else today.

Not that there's anything I'm dying to start working on.

That teleconference took the life right out of me. Part of the background chat I had with Someone looked like this (yes, I edited--deal!):
1:41 PM me: hee hee hee and we're all on board with that
judging by the amount of discussion (and hte number of voices I hear)
SE: And the identity of the voices you've heard most often....
1:43 PM me: I thought, briefly, that I heard you?
SE: Yup. Voice o' reason.
HA ha ha.
1:44 PM me: and then you shut up because you remembered
we have no voice here
1:45 PM me: We have to approve our CUTTER NUMBERS??
SE: Well, I'm still going to be willing to argue in favor of brevity & common sense.
Oh, God, I just snickered inappropriately. Oops.
me: background noise = snickering
hee hee
thank god for Mute on my mobile phone
1:50 PM SE: Jesus H. Christ. This is going to take until Midfuckingnight at this rate. Are we ever going to get to content, or are we going to debate format all day?!
1:54 PM SE: Oh, for God's sake, shoot me. Now.
1:57 PM me: Damn. I forgot the gun again!!
2:08 PM me: oh [Cute Eyes] SHUT UP
2:09 PM SE: He's a toady butt-head.
2:10 PM me: Can you IM [Cute Eyes] and tell him to find [our] policy manual and COPY IT?? ...
2:13 PM SE: The deed is done.
2:14 PM SE: I mean, I just forwarded it to him.
me: Tanks
2:15 PM me: "The library that put in the crap..."
SE: Flappy-lippped dork,
2:16 PM me: hey stop talking about me that way!!!! :-)
SE: Oh, you don't know the half of it, sister!
me: I'm going to go pout.
SE: I'm gonna go eat worms.
me: waaahhhhh
2:31 PM me: We had this WHOLE DISCUSSION 5 weeks ago. shoot me.....
2:32 PM SE: this is bullshit. Ignore an incomplete record right in front of you? We should all become [Pat's library]?!
2:33 PM me: No. [Queen Bee], this won't help.
2:34 PM me: total silence
SE: hee hee!!!! I liked that!
me: Stump the [Queen Bee]--done.
SE: "responsibility". What a concept!
2:35 PM SE: Shouldn't it really be 'overlain'?
me: "Hmmmmm....."
Overlain sounds medieval, and to do with marriage, I think.
2:36 PM SE: OR perhaps it's some part of that dress that Jen!ic@ wore?
me: Probably embroidered, dontcha think?
me: [Cute Eyes] just has no clue
2:43 PM SE: [Cute Eyes] is a smarmy ninny.
2:44 PM me: There is a God Her name is [SE].
SE: Thank you, thank you very much....
2:46 PM SE: titter, titter
3:13 PM SE: derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
(not you)
3:14 PM me: God this group SUCKS
3:15 PM SE: Can you imagine how much worse this would be in person?? Yargh!
3:16 PM me: I'd've killed Mar[...]-fucking-sycophanitc-giggler by now.
SE: I just had to pop out for a sec. Did I miss anything?
me: Do I sound as pissed when I talk as I feel like I sound? ["Does this dress make me look fat?" "No your ass makes me look fat!"]
3:17 PM me: Er you missed......who knows. I found a 9 in my [Sudoku] puzzle.
SE: Um, you sound a little cranky. Not unduly. I'm blogging and running a review file and putting on a Band-Aid.
3:19 PM SE: Ah! [Our policy manual] rears his erudite head again....
3:20 PM me: Did you help draft this 3 years ago?
3:24 PM me: Is [Ga] on this call??
SE: What's the point in saying "we need to follow quality control"?
That's fucking common sense.
No, [Ga] is not allowed.
3:25 PM me: Oh, that's right. She's kept with the mushrooms.
SE: [Gl] = mushroom?
3:27 PM SE: Well, if all this is about [...] State Lib directives, why are we talking at all?! Why don't we just hang up, then?! Fuck this.
3:28 PM me: Sorry, just had to call [Sparky]'s school
I was going to pick him up at 4
Not happening
What did I miss?
[Gl] = also mushroom
or, actually [Gl] also = mushroom
SE: 's OK. Yeah, good luck having a life. We accomplished nothing except me blowing a gasket, mentally.
3:29 PM me: Lalalalala
3:35 PM me: OK, who is yawning into the phone?! Was that you?
SE: No, I have social skills, you goombah!
3:36 PM :)
me: Must've been Mar[...].
Mar[...] = no social skills
3:37 PM SE: "HA ha ha ha ha!" Condescending witch.
me: Who chuckled when I said discretion? Was that her?? Damn
Amy: Yup, Mar[...]. dwarfy little creep.
3:38 PM me: Maybe she'll be in charge of taking care of the mushrooms in The New [Consortia]

All of which calls for a blessing:
May a kindly spirit, a kindly genius be present,
and your thoughts be harmonious.
All faiths seek different paths toward ultimate being, but love is the secret of them all.
Stay awake and simplify.

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