Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Good mornin'!

No, I'm not going to sing that song again. ;-) I'm just sayin', it's a lovely morning.

Sparky is playing Zelda in preparation for his second day in a row at the local Giant-Name-Brand-Amusement-Park. I'm so very glad that a) I don't have to chaperone, b) I don't have to find time to actually take him myself, and c) he apparently put on plenty of sunscreen yesterday, so perhaps he'll do the same today and not fry his face.

Meanwhile, I'll be at work, cataloging picture books, with my headphones on, as I'm sure there it will be another day of class visits to the library, and library staff out visiting schools to remind them about Summer Reading Club. See, I'm thematic!

I woke up last night with an incredibly sore, stiff finger, as if I'd been pressing on things all day. This morning it isn't as sore, but it still feels odd. Too much typing? Too much...what? Flipping people off? It is that finger, however that generally doesn't cause me pain (and I don't think I did that at all yesterday!).


Have a good day, ya'll.

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