Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Under Control

At the risk of another lecture...here's my week (as far as I know). I've already blown it once by missing a meeting.

SUNDAY 4/22:

Take Sparky to church for mentoring.
Meet with Youth Group to work through scripts for Youth Sunday (next week).
Asked by Session member whether I want to bring salad or dessert for Tuesday's meeting. Salad. In a bag.
Work 1-4 (really, 12:30-4:15).
Back to church to continue organizing Youth Sunday.
Home by 6:30.
Watch The Amazing Race. Live. For a change!
MONDAY 4/23:
My relaxing day....
Make a couple of phone calls for assorted things.
Shop with Amy. Lots of good girl-bonding time, and some hysteria as well.
[Sparky called upon arriving home from school and informed me that he had a concert. In three hours. So there goes my one evening at home this week.]
Finish whatever Amy & I were doing and head home.
Nearly fall asleep driving. In rush hour, stop-and-go traffic. Fifteen minutes from home.
Arrive safely; sit for twenty minutes because Beast is asleep in his chair, having been home less than an hour.
Beast wakes up and we head out to grab some dinner at Six Balls, where it is yokels-chew-with-their-mouths-open night. Yish.
Go to high school and try to figure out where to sit for the district-wide concert.
Actually pick the the best possible place to see Sparky for a change!
Head home, arriving by 8:30.
Up at 6 and into the shower; the plan is to leave by 7:15 at the latest.
Leave at 7:30. Oh well.
Receive email at 9:30 from person heading up the committee I'm on re the church website: we were supposed to all meet for breakfast this morning.
Send two "I'm too stupid to breathe with my mouth closed" emails to colleagues.
Set up WebDewey trial.
Catalog, etc. till 3:45.
Stop at store for salad, and dressing.
Arrive home and listen to voicemail.
Try NOT to participate in Sparky's attempt to schedule an interview with a forensic scientist at the sheriff's department.
Meme for half an hour.
Talk to Beast about the night's schedule (he's on his way back from the capital of the state just north of us).
Call pastor and leave voicemail.
Call pastor's house and confuse his wife (not that difficult, although she's a lovely woman).
Talk to pastor about Beast picking up all the confirmands and driving them home after the meeting.
Try to reset the date on Sparky's watch. It keeps returning to "TUE 28" for some reason. No clue.
Pile into truck with Sparky and drive to church.
Call Beast on the way and confirm that he can drive all the confirmands home.
Arrive at church. We have too much salad. I leave mine in the bags, in the fridge.
Dinner with confirmands. They are all voted into the membership of the church. They leave. With Beast.
Clean up dinner.
Sit down for the main part of the meeting at 7:40.
Meeting FINALLY ends at 9:45!
Pack up 4" thick notebook, large red leather satchel, plastic salad bowl, salad (dressing stays at church), and one leftover pizza box with some pizza and head to dark parking lot. In the rain. With no coat. In short sleeves. At 50 degrees Fahr.
I'm a dolt.
Home in time to say goodnight to Beast. Not sure he'll remember, but....I will.
Up at 5:30...or so.
Leave for Bible Study at 6:10.
Head to work, arriving by 8 at the latest.
Call head of dance committee and ask about need for pirate flags. Then call coworker who offered to make them and let her know the answer.
Find pirate map examples. Somewhere. Surely we'll have something in the library, right?
Write up some kind of intro for children's sermon part of Youth Service: paper airplanes, praying, wind, spirit...blahblahblah....
Talk to Miss W. about background checks for this summer's mission trip.
Pick up Sparky at school at 4.
Back to work till 5.
To church at 5:30 to rehearse for Youth Sunday, with cannon, and music, and paper airplanes.
Home by (hopefully) 7:30??

Up at 6:30 and shower.
Look for pictures of Sparky's childhood for dance.
Go by school and pick up paper for GIANT PIRATE MAP.
Take paper to ballet studio by 9:30 and figure out map. And flags. And pirate.
Grab lunch somewhere at 11:30.
To work by 12.
Pick up Sparky from school at 4. Bring him back to the library for Laptop Time.
Beast will pick him up at 6:30ish.
Work till 9.
Home. Sleep.
FRIDAY 4/26:
Up by 6:30.
Shovel off kitchen island after Sparky leaves for school and sort out all the paperwork.
Fill out class trip form and mail back. With money, I'm sure.
Fill out any other forms that have appeared this week. I'm sure some of them will require money too.
Figure out what's going on in the world.
Nap? Maybe? Please?
Grocery store?
Did I say something about sleep?
Up by 7.
Work 8-5.
Sparky and Beast on annual mission trip to Biggish City to the West, theoretically with some of the members of the Youth Group. All day.
Watch the taped Thursday night shows: Survivor and CSI.
Pretend that I will sleep just fine tonight.
SUNDAY 4/28:
Having slept about 20 seconds, up at 7 and shower.
Bring EVERYTHING we need for worship service to church at 9.
Meet and run through the plan once more. Realize we forgot....something.
Get coffee hour stuff ready.
Lights! Camera! Action!
Oh, thank you God it's over!!!!!!
Do coffee hour.
Clean up.
Go home and collapse.
Did I mention that I have to get Sparky to the sheriff's office on Monday sometime? And that the following Sunday is Confirmation and I haven't organized ANYTHING for it, much less invited anyone? Oh, and I left out that this Saturday is my niece's bridal shower and I'm pretty sure her gift won't arrive in time.

I need a 4 x 5' piece of paper to map out May. I think Sparky has 4 field trips, at least one more band thing--a parade, and maybe a concert--the dance, the HUGEANDSCARY school project for which he's interviewing the forensic dude and the presentation for that project in front of a panel of judges....speaking of which, I think I've volunteered to do that for someone at his school AND someone at the other middle school....and just general end-of-year mayhem. And then we leave for our Big Mission Trip right after school lets out for the year. And then back home to deal with the bridesmaid dress for the wedding that we haven't even planned our time for. AAAAAARGGHHHHHHHHH!

I can't wait for July 15! Post-school, post-mission, post-wedding. Post-sanity!

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