Sunday, April 08, 2007

Library Blogging Meme

In the library blogosphere, this meme has been going around for a couple of months. I found it during the midst of Lent, and hung on to it to post when I was able to. Yes, I actually do read (a lot) of other stuff besides library blogs and friends' blogs (and memes!) Most of my blogroll is posted over there at the left, but I'm going to highlight some of my favorites here:

Separated by a Common Language. Lynneguist (ahem) discusses differences between the way Americans use English and the way English (et al.) use it. Fascinating, funny, erudite.

Innings. Not a lot of explanation needed here. Funny, or interesting, or bizarre, or stop-and-think photos from all over the place. That's it.

The Malt Shop. I love the design of this site, and it's one of the first meme-y places I visited regularly that I still visit. Tiny cheat: Shelly is a librarian too. But she doesn't talk books...too the malt shop.

Correct Me If I'm Wrong. Technically, this is a podcast, but I 'read' books with my ears, so I guess I can 'read' blogs that way too, right. Anyway, this is the San Francisco Chronicle's complaint line. Just the crazies. Kinda like the reference desk.

Decently and In Order. This is sort of a Digg just for Presbyterian "stuff." The joy is that it's not always churchy (only about 80%) and not just Presby (only about 50%), and anyone can submit a story.

I did this at my meme site too, because I have 156 feeds, and it's really hard to narrow my choices down to just 5. So, yeah, cheating. Deal. But I only picked one library-related one, so hey, at least I was kinda draconian!

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