Monday, March 12, 2007

Well, how'd I do?

  • Sparky looked at the schedule yesterday, asked who Dr. C is, and I wimped out and told him The Girl Doctor. Woo-hoo. [Done. I don't have to go back and see him for three years as long as my regular doctor will do orders for annual mammograms! The icing on the cake, so to speak, was that I've lost (a minuscule amount of) weight since the last time I was weighed "officially." Yowsa.]
  • I'm also going to the nearby bridal shop and ordering my bridesmaid dress. [Done. I'm committed now.]
  • I have a PTO meeting in the evening, where I will be feeling like a loser, having taken charge of something for the 8th Grade Dance...and dropped the ball in a major way. Shit. [Speaking of dropping the ball--I was on my way to the bridal shop 15 minutes after the meeting was scheduled to start when I was reminded of it. Totally forgot. I clearly want nothing to do with this project!]
  • I also need to pick up a card for someone at church who has been working really hard on the new building and getting really fed up with all the nit-picking. [Done, but I need to get it ready to send tomorrow.]
  • Type up the Session meeting minutes. [Yeah, well, I guess that's what I'm working on next, right? (insert laughter here)]
  • Flyer for the pseudo-lockin for both of the youth groups on Friday night. [Done. I will copy and mail them tomorrow morning on my way to work, along with the card.]
I did get all the Entertainment Weekly music reviews for the past month entered into Launchcast this morning. I read a book (!) and watched Oprah and a lot of episodes of CSI: Miami. I think I'm addicted to that one now...sigh. And I washed my lingerie.

While I should indeed type up those minutes, I suspect that instead I will update my reading blog instead (I have three books to enter). Maybe I'll even go to bed early (ish), like before midnight.

Oh, yeah, my life = thrilling.

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