I can't remember the last time I did this. My normal M.O. is to get pissed and say that I can beat this damn weather. Not today. By the time I got home, I had slid scarily three more times and lost sight of the road repeatedly. Totally not fun.
Is it spring yet??
Addendum: You know that sound they use in TV shows and movies to indicated a GiFuckingNormous Storm? I'm thinking of Dr. Zhivago and that isolated house, or any "Little House on the Prairie" winter episode. OK, remember that noise? That's what the ambient noise in my living room is right now. Just the sound makes me want to put on four more layers of clothes and huddle under piles of blankets. But it's not just the sound, unfortunately; it's hideously nasty outside, even if the thermometer says that it's 29 degrees.
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