Saturday, March 03, 2007


Talk about a weird day at work today. All I'm going to say is that our dependence on computers sucks sometimes, though I do have to wonder why they seem to suck more on weekends when I work the this weekend for instance. I had a headache the size of Rhode Island when I arrived at work. The technology issues haven't exactly helped, though the Tylenol did. Now my temples just feel tender instead of throbbing.

On the other hand, look who is sitting on my desk keeping me company today:
Yeah, I'm supposed to be cataloging him, but I think I'll hold off on that for awhile. He's too cute. Maybe I'll find a hedgehog for a pet...they are pretty adorable. And yes, this guy turns inside out and rolls up like a real hedgehog. He's quite soft and adorable (and you can buy one of your own here).


Back to the Encyclopedia of Space and Astronomy. Whee.

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