Thursday, March 22, 2007

I'm leavin' on a jet plane

Yep. Sparky and I are scheduled out of Large City Northeast of Us at dinnertime on the Most Fabulous Airline in the States. Or so I've heard. I haven't ever flown them, because their prices aren't always the best. This time the prices were the same as flying from Nightmare Airport East of Us on the 'regular' airlines (to whom I'm not going to link, but their household names--in my household, anyway--include Dolt-a, Northworst, Untied, and Ameripain).

Beast isn't taking us, because he got called out of town at the last minute for a business trip elsewhere. We are taking a car...being chauffered, in other words. It's a sign that we live near a Very Big City that this isn't more a big deal. Beast limos to the airport (rather than liMboing to the airport, which would take a long time and hurt his back, I think!) regularly.

ANYway. We will be in Denver for the next two days, then we'll pick up Katherine (my niece) at the Amtrak station Sunday morning and drive over--and through--the mountains to my sister's house (Katherine's mom, Marie).

I'm a little nervous. I don't think I've ever rented a car on my own before, and the whole "driving in downtown Denver" thing has me a bit concerned...however, since that's Sunday morning at 7 a.m., I'm not exactly panicking. huh Returning her to the station will be more trying, I expect, since that will be on Friday night at primo bar time in LoDo. When I was growing up, the area around the train station was truly Skid Row; quite frightening. Now, not so much. I wonder where all the winos live now....somewhere newly marginalized, undoubtedly.

Buddy wanted to write a bit while Sparky cleaned out his cage. Here's his contribution to the events of the upcoming week (no, I didn't help, except to keep him from leaning on the space key more than he did!):
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Words to live by....

Church stuff is heating up. Glad I'm leaving! Work stuff...probably not heating up, for which I'm ever-so-grateful to the Powers That Be.

I'll have the computer with me, but my sister doesn't have wireless. I'll have to find a hotspot to access stuff, so I probably won't be around much, especially after we leave Denver. Have a great week!

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