Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I arrived at work today at 8:15, dressed semi-professionally in a beige silk shell and army-green Gap jacket over brown dressy jeans. And my clop-clop clogs. ;-)

Might at well fake it since I clearly wasn't makin' it today.

Work has been a joke. I was scheduled on public desks for two hours, during which time I sorta cataloged three items and updated my Books to Read list. This involved adding the titles I've come across over the past 8 months that look good, and also updating the ones I've already read. Oh, and listening to Crazy Cat Lady rabbit on about...something.

Then I came back to my desk, ate my lunch and checked Bloglines, printed off the reports for tonight's meeting, punched holes in them, signed up for a shift at next month's book fair, wrote several emails to my brother-in-law, talked to Beast (who is finished in Armpit City #1 and currently en route to Armpit City #2), set up a template for magazine-box labels for later this year, copied about 40 Problem Reports (see below), and generally spazzed around for two hours.

Then I attempted to figure out the whole "Database Testing" thing...which lasted about 45 minutes because I'm flaky. Newsflash. Sent four Problem Reports, found at least 3 other issues that I don't even know how to describe, and then sent silly emails back and forth for half an hour.

What a wasted day.

Once I get home, I have about an hour of picking up and organizing to do, dinner to fix and make, and then I leave again for tonight's meeting. It looks like a short one, but I'm just having one of those "fleh-fleh who cares" days. I'd really rather stay home and catch up on the 8 memes that await my attention...or go to bed and sleep for more than 6 hours.

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