Wednesday, September 27, 2006

How to fall asleep at work and drool on your desk

  1. Go to bed late, and then be unable to fall alseep for awhile. Once you're on the way, drifting off to la-la land, jerk yourself back to full wakefulness. Take another half hour (at least) to get back to going to sleep.
  2. Wake up ten minutes before the alarm goes off 5-1/2 hours later. Listen to thunder and rain hitting the windows.
  3. Shower and then spend half an hour doing last-minute pickup for the cleaning lady. Also cram in 10 minutes to check email.
  4. Drag son to early morning Bible Study because he needs to be at school before the bus can get him there for See You At the Pole.
  5. Realize that you forgot to grab the Allegra pill, which is why your sinuses are screaming in counterpoint to Jesus Talk.
  6. Drop kid at school, stop at the mini-mart for a liter of Dr. Pepper and a box of OTC allergy meds. Take the prescribed number pills and then see that it says it causes drowsiness.
  7. Go to work and attempt to stay awake for an hour. Give up and put down head "just for a sec." Wake up an unknown time later, eat some cashews, put on headphones, and pray for the end of the morning.
The best part of the morning so far has been Bob Welch singing Ebony Eyes followed by Meatloaf's You Took the Words Right Outta My Mouth:

He: On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?
She: Will he offer me his mouth?
He: Yes
She: Will he offer me his teeth?
He: Yes
She: Will he offer me his jaws?
He: Yes
She: Will he offer me his hunger?
He: Yes
She: Again. Will he offer me his hunger?
He: Yes
She: And will he starve without me?
He: Yes
She: And does he love me?
He: Yes
She: Yes
He: On a hot summer night would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?
She: Yes

He: I bet you say that to all the boys.

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