Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Here's the towel:

...I'm throwing it in

The plan was to pick Sparky up after school at 4:00, go work out for an hour or so, and then head over to church for dinner and 'stuff' (Bible Study for me, confirmation meeting for him).

My head hurts--still--I'm dopey from the allergy meds--still--and I just don't want to fight through the fog anymore today. I could if I had to. But I don't. I have about 2,000 sick hours accrued (not bad for 10 years of part-time work) and I'm burning 2 of 'em. Actually, no, I'll just not get paid for the missing two hours. I was here extra time on Sunday. It all works out.

See what I mean? I'm blathering. Naptime. If all goes well, I can get back to town for dinner, etc., later.

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