Monday, September 25, 2006

Never sit down... the middle of a day.

I've made 8 dinners today, courtesy of Dinner by Design, one of each dinner on this month's menu except numbers 2, 4, 5, and 10. I also bought one package of last month's extras for Techy Librarian to say thanks for the help yesterday. I need to take that into town and drop it off. I also need to empty the cooler into my freezer so the rest of my morning's work doesn't go to waste.

On the list as well is a stop at church to figure out some stuff for tomorrow night's Session meeting. And a stop at the courthouse to pay my $75 fine for speeding and produce proof that I really was insured that day so I don't have to pay that fine as well. It will be weird being on that side of the desk; I helped my mom out enough at work that it's really bizarre seeing the County Court Clerk's counter from the public side, every time I go in. I hasten to add that the other times I've been there, I've been getting anointed (ahem) to register people to vote, or to update passport info or ask about property tax info. Never had to pay a fine.

At least I'm not one of my mom's least favorite customers: the DWI/DUIers.

Sparky and I are going to the gym after school and then I need to get the Purple Heart stuff sorted out and placed on the porch with their card (which I have to find as well). They'll be here sometime tomorrow. Beast is doing the Armpit Tour this week, a fly-through of two places rumored to be in the running for Nastiest/Ugliest/Ickiest Places in America. Since I haven't been to either locale, I'm not naming them. Ya'll can take some guesses and I'll confirm if you've guessed right. Don't like to slam what I haven't personally experienced. Here's a hint: both places are east of the Indiana and north of Kentucky and West Virginia.

Howsome-ever, that's all stuff I should doing.

What I'm actually doing is sitting on the sofa falling asleep. Because I came home from DbD and sat down.

This is ALWAYS a strategic error for me.

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