Monday, September 25, 2006

Working on Sunday sucks

But, honestly, it's rare to have such an all-around potential disaster as yesterday.

Maniac and I spent an hour before we opened trying everything in the troubleshooting manual to get Innovative working, to no avail. The internet was incredibly pokey-slow too, and everything just seemed primed for disaster.

Adding to this was the potential for Maniac's whack-job showing up again to threaten/harass/flip-out on me. [He didn't. He seems to be targeting her. Seriously. He told her he had 'ways' of paying her back for not letting him get online using his mom's card...WTF!]

In desperation, at 12:45, we called Techy Librarian, who just had a baby three weeks ago. She couldn't figure it out, but came over to see what she could find. Still nothing. We opened at 1:00 and the internet stations (of course) filled up immediately. Have you ever watched people using the internet when it's not working? It's actually pretty amusing, or it would have been if I hadn't been bracing for 20 complaints. Probably because I went and made an announcement by the clump of stations that we were having technical problems, I only heard one complaint and she's a dolt anyway.

Finally Techy figured out (after calling our actual tech at home!) that it was the firewall. Once that was rebooted, everything smoothed right out, although we never did get two of the circulation terminals to work.

And then the weirdness began:
"I can't log in to my Hotmail account." [logged off of the internet security software, logged back in and worked]
"When I try to copy everything on this disk, the screen flips upside down." [yep, and it stayed that way till I turned off the PC and turned it back on...and then it happened again when we recreated what she did! Move to another terminal....]
"The printer is printing garbage." [turn off, turn on...whew it works]
"I only have 32 minutes left on my account even though I've only been here about 10 minutes." [wow, that's weird...oh! Because we're closing in a half hour!]
Lunch? Hah!

It wasn't a bad day and it sure went by fast. Everyone was in a good mood, and willing to be patient. And it was wonderful to leave, and nice to know that I don't work another Sunday until November.

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