Monday, September 11, 2006


Double-Tongued Word Wrester

  • data Valdez
    n. an accidental release of a large quantity of private or privileged information. After the 1989 oil spill by the Exxon Valdez in Prince William Sound, Alaska. The pronunciation of Valdez, in this case, is usually something like val-DEEZ.
  • double-back
    v. to work a full shift and begin another after a break of eight or fewer hours. Also attributive and as noun. This differs from a split shift, which is a single shift separated into two or more segments over the course of a day.
  • Hummer house
    n. an overly large single-family residence. [From the Hummer, a large fuel-inefficient sports utility vehicle often seen or used as a symbol of wastefulness.] Synonyms are starter castle, faux chateau, and McMansion.
Word Spy
  • triple delivery
    n. In a PowerPoint presentation, having the same text on the screen, on a handout, and spoken aloud.
  • SMUM
    n. A woman who finds motherhood and her children tedious and uninteresting. [from "smart, middle-class, uninvolved mothers"]
  • fridge Googling
    pp. Running an Internet search based on some or all of the contents of one's fridge, looking for a recipe based on those contents.
  • Jebusish
    adj. Kinda sorta Jeebus-y.

    Related terms: Jeebus, Jeebusly, Jeebus-free, anti-Jeebusness.

    Real citation: "In typical Republican slime fashion Mayor James West was all Jeebusish and Family Values when he was in front of the public, but in accordance with the Republican Agenda it was all lies in an effort to gain the trust of the public so he could betray it."(Steve Rider, "Anti-Gay Gay Mayor Outed and Ousted in Spokane," (Dec. 7, 2005, My Daily Rant)
  • East Buttfuckistan

    n. The boon-diddly-fucking-docks.

    Real citation: "They'll do it Olympics-style and nail some guy from East Buttfuckistan or some similarly small former Soviet Bloc country. The dude won't make it out of his motos anyway so the main show goes on yet the governing bodies can cheer the success of their testing campaign." (DNBLC, June 29, 2005)
  • squicknaciousness
    n. Gag me with a spoon, chainsaw, papal scepter, or whatever else is handy.

    Real citation: "(It's sweet how you held your ear fast to him in spite of squickage. Or would that be squickery? Squicknaciousness? I'd better consult Darkrazor...)"(July 11, 2004)
  • motherplooker
    n. A motherhumper Frank Zappa would be proud of.

    Related terms: clusterplook, roto-plooker.

    Real citation: "We don't need no water, let the motherplooker burn." (AAlgar, June 20, 2006)
  • blamfrazzled
    adj. Confuzzled, bamboozled, flabbergasted, and whangdoodled.

    Real citation: "It's not quite matter-of-factly that she says this (I bet you can imagine right now the precise note of weariness she gives this speech), but Adama is still blamfrazzled, as I imagine most viewers were too. So sudden!" (Jacob, "Resurrection Ship, Part I," page 5)
Omniglot had a nice long history of the world, uh, "nice."

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