Monday, September 11, 2006

Playing catchup

Lots and lots of links that I've saved in Bloglines have been making me crazy (maybe that's why I came down with a cold.

In the spirit of being as much of an ostrich today as I can, I'm going Back In Time and prowling through all of them, posting and linking here, there and everywhere.
  • In honor of Ellen who found out just about exactly 12 years ago that she wouldn't see her kids graduate from college, I'd like to toast Snarkland's posts: one called Dear Cancer, Fuck You and the other called More on Fucking Cancer. I should find my knitting needles.
  • In honor of my ostrich-dom, and other more Important People's tendencies in that direction, here's a post from Happy Villain that seems timely today, especially.
  • Changing tone abruptly, Woodsrun posted from a listserve some really clunky writing collected by English teachers. My favorite: "Even in his last years, Granddad had a mind like a steel trap, only one that had been left out so long, it had rusted shut." Sounds like a Republican to me, frankly.
  • I N N I N G S linked to a site that has tried redrawing, fairly, the borders in the Mideast. Interesting, but I'm pretty sure not everyone would agree with the "fair" part. However, it's educational. Perhaps the Armed Forces Journal ought to shoot them to the policy-makers on Pennsylvania Avenue to remind them just how complicated that area actually is.
  • For Sparky, in case he needs help with algebra this year (from LiB)
  • JusticeSeeker posted a link to a site called 24-7 Prayer. Very cool. I need to remember to bang around the site and take the info to Youth Group.
  • Nathan notes that Eerdman's Biblical Commentary has been Google-ized (mostly).
  • Alice at It's All Good has good directions for installing a WorldCat search box on Blogger. Other platforms are probably just as easy. I hope to get to this one of these days...
  • Stephen Abrams discusses "old technology" we should try to figure out before we go much further into the future including really detailed directions for leaving voicemails; and then we need to remind ourselves that "Confidential" doesn't exist online, not really.

I'm leaving all the wordy stuff for a separate post, ok? That way you can all ignore it if you're not a Word Nut.

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