Monday, September 11, 2006

...don't like bein' sick...

I'm a real big wuss anymore when I get a cold. I woke up, Saturday morning to find my brain oozing out of my nose. I don't think I've ever, ever gone to bed feeling 100% fine and awakened the next morning with this bad of a cold. It's like it jumped into my sinuses overnight! So Saturday I was whiny and cranky and physically tired (from Friday night...if I remember I'll get into that another time) even though I'd slept over 8 hours Friday night.

That's a good thing, too, since Saturday night I think I slept for about 3 hours all together. I just can't lie down to sleep when my head's stuffed up. I spend the night rolling around trying to get my sinuses all 'balanced' so I can breathe. Poor Beast. On the other hand, Friday night wiped his back out to the point that he had to sleep in the Back-Repair-Chair Saturday after walking weird all day. My bouncing around in bed didn't bother him this time at least! Oh, and the joy of a low-grade fever is that between spinning from side to side, I was also flipping the covers off and on and getting up for more blankets....

So the plan tonight was to sleep in the living room in a recliner to keep my head drained. I slept about two hours, woke up...and I've been awake reading--and now blogging--for two more. I'm totally wiped out, but I don't have anything I need to do today once Sparky gets on the school bus. Well, that's not true: I need to get started going to the gym, but that isn't until late afternoon when I pick Sparky up from school and head over there. I could, potentially, sleep the rest of the day.

Yeah. Right.

I am such a wuss.

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