Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Look out!

I've finally been recertified in CPR, after a dearth of re-education for about a decade. Not much has changed, just the number of compressions and the speed with which you are supposed to do them. I practiced for a bit over a minute on our dummy and discovered that my wrists would not be happy with this procedure. Please God, this will never be necessary, or only necessary when the Rescue Squad is just seconds away.

I also got a reminder of how to use our defibrillator. All the city buildings have at least one of those in them now, thanks to the parents of a high school girl who died a couple of years ago. They are amazing things, with the kind of instructions that are easy to follow when in the midst of a giant adrenaline rush/panic attack. If you don't have one at your workplace, I'd recommend finding some money for it.

In other news, I did find my driver's license renewal letter--but I don't think I can get it renewed until I pay my ticket. Sigh... And I've finally typed up last month's minutes for Session. Now I have to schedule a time to go in and make "official copies" of our minutes for The Book, and then schedule a time to take the class (or whatever) in "how to pass the annual minutes checkup." We really are the weirdest denomination in many ways.

And the newsletter article is done, along with the fundraiser order form--both emailed to church before the due date!


...the coolest thing of the day....

...I saw my coworker's new baby for the first time today. He's just 10 days old and he's really tiny (he was about 5 weeks early). There's no baby fat on him, but his fingers...wow. Fingers are amazing. Newborns are astoundingly, shockingly wondrous. I really loved having a baby around. They are just cool.

Especially when you can give them back to their parents if they start squalling!

Which this baby didn't do, as he barely took time to open his eyes while visiting us this morning.

So, on that note, I'm hitting the showers. OK, actually, the tub. I've been tired for three straight days in spite of 6-plus hours of sleep each night, way more than my average. I think I've still got some of that cold, apparently settled into my shoulders and neck for awhile longer.

[NO! I didn't touch the baby!]

Happy dreams, ya'll.

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