Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Hi-ho, hi-ho...it's back to work...

Today is Tuesday. I'm sure I will have to remind myself of that fact several times today.

Quick recap of the past coupla days:
  • We got my niece registered at Babies R Us (well, partly registered). This took over 3 1/2 hours on Sunday. And yes, she's not done. Not even close. This is why shopping with her can be so difficult; she analyzes EVERYthing!
  • Beast and Sparky helped my nephew run conduit in the basement of the house. When it's done, it will look really nice down there. Hopefully, it will be done before the baby arrives.
  • I rediscovered the thrill of two Benedryl followed by a dri.....zzzzzzzzzzzzz
  • Ikea on a holiday is, uhm, busy. But I still managed to spend money.
  • Jenny's baby is adorable, and happy
  • Moving into your college dorm freshman year is traumatic (lots of phone calls from a very stressed daughter of a friend yesterday).
And the big surprise (NOT) of the weekend: Hey! I'm allergic to cats! I was in YSP's house for all of 2 1/2 hours Sunday (hence the Benadryl). Yesterday morning I woke up and spent several minutes sneezing. The day was marked by trips to the medicine chest for Sudafed, Tylenol and Benadryl, at different times...and I went to bed last night feeling like I had a cold coming on. I'm still messed up this morning. Cat + cats = nothing good.

The actual surprise (for real) of the weekend was finding out what the big secret my brother told my sister was: he's been diagnosed with Stage 2 diabetes (because he couldn't see anything). Right now he's doing the meds and watching his diet. But, since my mom developed diabetes as an adult, this isn't much of a surprise really. He seems to have gotten all the "high stuff" genes of our parents: high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar. Mom was in her late 60s when the diabetes appeared; he just turned 53. Happy birthday, brother dearest.

Today, it's back to work, back to better eating, and signing up for the gym.

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