Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Today is hump day

...but tomorrow is the real hump. Tomorrow I get to spend 6 hours in a windowless, dim room with several catalogers--some of whom I actually like--learning how to using FuckingSirsi.

Meanwhile, today, I hope I can get some of my cart cleared off. I didn't do too well in this arena yesterday. Some days are like that, where I just can't seem to make progress. Yesterday I spent time when I should have been cataloging on these thrilling chores:

  • comparing my notes from last week's meeting to the official version of the minutes
  • going back through my cataloging committee minutes looking for procedures and policies for the upcoming merge of the P&P manual for the whole group
  • teaching V how to scan the UPC/EAN on DVDs and download OCLC records found that way (yes, I'll check to be sure it's the right record; I have to change the mat type anyway); I love V. In the middle of explaining this, she stopped me and asked me if I know what a 'weblog' is. I showed her my work one and my book one--and told her I didn't want to show her this one because it was 'rude' whereupon she laughed--and now she knows what a blog 93 years old. Wonder if I should start one for her?
I also spent a lot of time talking to CT and eating bagels and candy. I must climb back on the diet bus soon.

Speaking of which, this afternoon I will pick up Sparky from school and we'll go to the rec center and get signed up to use the facilities (weights and so forth). He desperately needs to get some exercise! And so does his mom.

Otherwise, I'm tired, and I'm still on the recovery end of the cat gunk from Sunday. My sinuses hurt, and so does my tooth where the dentist messed with it. I hate dentists. Such is my Exciting Life this week....

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