Sunday, September 03, 2006

Labor Day

We skipped church this morning, or rather we are skipping it even as I type this. We are, except for Sparky, still in pajamas, though we need to get moving soon.

Today we go to the pregnant niece's house (I think I'll just have to start calling them the YSPs--Young Suburban Professionals--or something for brevity). The boys will all work on electrical stuff while the two girls will shop. Oh, joy, oh thrill. The good points are that we will shop for baby stuff--that is fun!--and get my rings et al. cleaned in the midst of things. Maybe we can find a Vicky's too...

Tomorrow I'm shopping, too, at the Great God Ikea. Must be penance weekend for me or something. I like Ikea though; there's always something there that ends up in my shopping basket. What will it be tomorrow?

So, no cookouts, no parties, no bocce or croquet or drinking till I fall's all about sleeping and shopping this weekend. Except for Sparky, who is (supposedly) cleaning his desks off; he did work on his bathroom yesterday and it's pretty clean.

Hope you all are doing fun (to you) things and enjoying the extra time off work.

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