Sunday, September 17, 2006

Daily roundup


I'm not allergic to horses.

They are fun, though.

I didn't fall off, but I'm not coordinated with all the stuff you have to do to get him to do what you mean. It's like learning to drive a sticky manual tranny.

The rain started just as we left.

And, incidentally, since when do football teams get by with beating up a member of the other team when he encroaches into their sideline? Doesn't that qualify for ejection? I'm just askin'. Between that and the Nebraska game with the really hideous injury...NOT a great football weekend.

Tomorrow's list:
- grocery store
- optician (I popped the lens from my glasses this afternoon)
- allergist
- camera store (the camera is on drugs, and I'm tired of farting around with it)
- type up Session minutes
- type up newsletter article
- clear off kitchen counter
- find letter for driver's license renewal
Damn exciting, eh??

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