Sunday, September 17, 2006

Fall is here

It's official now: I've just done step one in the de-pedicure process. The polish is off the nails. I'm wearing more closed shoes than sandals lately, so it's time to give my toenails a rest from 4 (or 5?) months of polish.

Today's excitement involves Opening Day for Sunday School (doesn't that sound more fun than it is?), a Session meeting on congregational growth (I think), a praise service at church, and highway cleanup with the youth group followed by revelry at a member's farm: llamas, horses, a pond to fish in, hayrides... Thank God it's a nice day! We should be home by dinner, although I'm sure I'll be well on the way to full anaphylactic shock by then (hay, corn dust, and maybe I'm allergic to horses?). We can finally watch "Survivor" from last Thursday, as a family.

Sparky has been at a retreat for confirmands this weekend. He's due to return about 1 this afternoon, in the midst of highway cleanup. Not sure how we're going to handle this; it's not like Beast and I have spent any time talking about this. Guess we're getting better at rolling with whatever life throws at us. [insert guffaw here]

Time to get going, to face the day.

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