Monday, May 08, 2006

Where has the day gone?

I spent much of the day waiting for carpet stretchers. By the time they got here--at 5 p.m.--I'd given up and gone grocery shopping and tried to take a nap.

I have returned to feeling lousy: sore throat, dizzy/vertiginous, plugged-up ears (yes, I think the last two are related), and dry itchy eyes. I'm going BACK to the doctor tomorrow.

I did work on the dreaded typo list for a couple of hours today.

And I redesigned my reflog, since it was looking really weird. I don't love the new look, but it's better than it was, without the last post dropping off the bottom into la-la land.

Now we're watching The Science Channel and learning all about modern glass. Yawn. I didn't choose it, but I live with two science-y boys. So...back to the typo list for me; I'm up to U, so I may finish tonight.

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